How hard would it be to write a lightweight <subpage> tag that scans its
contents for properties, extracts them, and appends a {{#subobject}} built
out of the properties that it found?  For example:

<subpage name="Forrest Gump">
[[given::Forrest]] [[surname::Gump]] is the [[title::Shrimp Man]] of
[[org::Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.]]

would become something like:

Forrest Gump is the [[Shrimp Man]] of [[Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.]]
 {{#subobject:Forrest Gump|given=Forrest|surname=Gump|title=Shrimp
Gump Shrimp Co.}}

I suspect that <subpage> would be at least as popular as {{#subobject}} as
a way of adding SIO-like semantics to a page.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang
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