
Nischay - thanks for that set of links. I don't think any of them cover the
thinking behind the design decisions, but they're still all good to know

Markus - thanks for all the clarifications. I was sure that the extra
tables were done to improve reading, but it sounds like they're mostly
there to improve writing. Is improving write performance a big deal,
though? I'm no performance expert, but I would think that on an average
wiki, writes are a fairly unimportant factor in the overall performance of
the site. Is that incorrect?

I didn't mean that the number of tables (around 30 in SMWSQLStore3) will
pose a technical challenge, just that it looks cluttered - and may pose
challenges for administrators, and developers, in maintaining them.

I'm still thinking about MediaWiki's page_props table - both as a design
example, and as a tool that SMW and related extensions can use. As a design
example: MediaWiki stores many different types of values in the page_props
table. Table writes (and reads) could probably be a little faster if there
were separate tables for different types of page properties, but the
MediaWiki developers decided to just have one big table for everything.

And as a tool, page_props could potentially be helpful for SMW, SF and
others. SF's special properties, like "Has default form", don't need to be
queried alongside real semantic properties - and actually, I doubt they're
queried often at all, other than by SF itself. SF's information could be
stored in the page_props table, instead of via SMW - and then, instead of
an SMW tag, you could just add something like this to a category, property
or template page:


If it reduces clutter, administrator confusion, and compatibility issues,
without increasing read or write times, it might be worth it...

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