Hi Markus,

Thanks for the additional clarifications. I now understand, at the very
least, why it helps for "Modification date" to have its own table; and more
generally, I get the design rationale. I think now that it makes sense for
Semantic Forms to switch to the page_props table, and parser functions, to
store its form-linking information; and if that's what it takes for SMW to
not have tables for SF properties, then it's all the more reason to do it.

By the way, I don't think additionally storing properties like "Has default
form" would be that helpful - I don't believe people query on it, or look
it up in Special:Browse, unless something goes wrong; and if parser
functions like #default_form were to be used instead, it would probably be
easier to know right away if there was a problem.

(Also, nobody should be concerned that support for "Has default form" is
going away - if/when this change is made, I'm sure there will be backward
compatibility preserved for a long time.)

Anyway, hopefully this is enough to convince you and the other relevant
people to take out the SF database tables - that was the part of the new
design that felt the oddest to me.


On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 6:44 AM, Markus Krötzsch <
mar...@semantic-mediawiki.org> wrote:

> On 09/10/12 18:12, Yaron Koren wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Nischay - thanks for that set of links. I don't think any of them cover
>> the thinking behind the design decisions, but they're still all good to
>> know about.
>> Markus - thanks for all the clarifications. I was sure that the extra
>> tables were done to improve reading, but it sounds like they're mostly
>> there to improve writing.
> I would not say that either of these is more important. Reading and
> writing are both relevant, and the new design should improve both
> activities in various situations.
>  Is improving write performance a big deal,
>> though? I'm no performance expert, but I would think that on an average
>> wiki, writes are a fairly unimportant factor in the overall performance
>> of the site. Is that incorrect?
> Current versions of SMW can cause a very high write load (writing on every
> edit, even if no data changed). This was an issue for Wikia and for anyone
> who is running MW on SSD drives. Just checking if some data has changed is
> not a solution, since the modification date always changes. Having more
> tables allows for a more fine-grained write control.
>> I didn't mean that the number of tables (around 30 in SMWSQLStore3) will
>> pose a technical challenge, just that it looks cluttered - and may pose
>> challenges for administrators, and developers, in maintaining them.
> Not sure what kind of administration could be necessary. In general, users
> and administrators should not touch the tables.
>> I'm still thinking about MediaWiki's page_props table - both as a design
>> example, and as a tool that SMW and related extensions can use. As a
>> design example: MediaWiki stores many different types of values in the
>> page_props table. Table writes (and reads) could probably be a little
>> faster if there were separate tables for different types of page
>> properties, but the MediaWiki developers decided to just have one big
>> table for everything.
>> And as a tool, page_props could potentially be helpful for SMW, SF and
>> others. SF's special properties, like "Has default form", don't need to
>> be queried alongside real semantic properties - and actually, I doubt
>> they're queried often at all, other than by SF itself. SF's information
>> could be stored in the page_props table, instead of via SMW - and then,
>> instead of an SMW tag, you could just add something like this to a
>> category, property or template page:
>> {{#default_form:City}}
>> If it reduces clutter, administrator confusion, and compatibility
>> issues, without increasing read or write times, it might be worth it...
> I don't see what you mean with clutter and administrator confusion. I have
> never known how many tables MW uses internally, nor have the tables in MW
> confused me so far. We never had compatibility issues between SF and SMW so
> far either.
> But pageprops could still be a good idea for SF. It should definitely
> improve read performance. You can also store the data redundantly in SMW
> and in PageProps, so you get the best of both (fast access, #ask,
> Special:Browse, data export). If you do this, we would probably make the SF
> properties less special in our code, since they would not be needed so
> heavily.
> Markus

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