
Most user on this list are probably not aware of the current
discussion that takes place on Wikitech-l [1] about "How SMW might
help mw.org/wikitech.org" but what caused a moment of silence was the
following comment.

"I don't support moving to Semantic MediaWiki, which to me as user
seems like a somewhat arcane and bloated piece of software that will
require me and lots of people to relearn how we write documentation
and project tracking" [2]

I'm interest to hear if users on this list think that SMW is a
"bloated piece of software" with users generally required "to relearn
how we write"? Are there reason why such misconception exists among
mediawiki users (under the pre-assumption that is not a

Another issue during the discussion was "general concern has been
scalability and perhaps relatedly the ability of users to execute
poorly optimized queries (maliciously or otherwise)" [3]

Comments about performance related concerns, are those concerns still
valid for the current release? Are there any hard evidence that
suggests using SMW on a wiki will inevitable decrease performance
(comparing numbers not opinions)?

[1] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.science.linguistics.wikipedia.technical/68762




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