
> Markus:
> the next version should be 10.0.0

Good point. +1 to this.

> Alexander:
> It is also important to tag all extensions. This is very often not the
case yet...

At least for SMW you can be sure all future releases will be tagged, since
Composer essentially requires one to tag in order to create a release. The
same is also true for SRF and Maps, and I hope more extensions will follow.

> Yaron:
> I can't imagine anyone would object to increasing the version number to
2.0, 3.0 etc. if/when it makes sense to do that.

A discussion about the same question occurred quite some time back on
wikitech. As you can probably guess, the outcome was rather different.


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil. ~=[,,_,,]:3
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