On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 6:45 AM, Yaron Koren <ya...@wikiworks.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> There was a thread about a week ago on the semediawiki-user mailing list,
> called "Howto install SMW using git?", that became a discussion about a
> number of things, including why there should be a way to disable extensions
> installed via Composer. I suggested using one or more global variables for
> that - like "$wgDisabledExtensions".
> There was no real resolution to that thread, so: do any of the SMW
> developers on this list have any thoughts about this? I think having such a
> thing is crucial, whether it's done through a global variable or some other
> method. (Though I can't think of any other method at the moment.)
+1 This is a pretty serious problem, what's going on with this?

- Ryan
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