Perfect I will give it a try

-----Original Message-----
From: James HK [] 
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 7:04 AM
To: Legault, Phillip [ITSUS]
Cc: Semantic MediaWiki users; Semantic MediaWiki developers
Subject: Re: [SMW-devel] Semantic MediaWiki 2.0 RC3


> I want to test the new version against my 4 store and I’m not sure how 
> my

I'd suggest you start without any other extension to ease potential frictions 
during the RC phase (as 2.0 has not yet official packaged).

Your composer.json in the MW-root directory should look like:

    "require": {
        "mediawiki/semantic-media-wiki": "@dev"
        "minimum-stability" : "dev"

In regards to 4store, please see the notes at [0]. Currently, Travis-CI (due to 
[1]) is unable to run our tests against 4store but when running tests locally 
4store showed the same expected behaviour as Fuseki or Virtuoso. Optional 
information can be found [2, 3].

> I’m hoping that the new version will work better with sub-objects.

Yes, subobjects are supported.






On 7/25/14, Legault, Phillip [ITSUS] <> wrote:
> I want to test the new version against my 4 store and I’m not sure how 
> my composer.json  file should look.  Here is what I have:
> {
>     "require": {
>         "mediawiki/semantic-media-wiki": "~1.9",
>         "ask/ask": "1.0.1",
>         "data-values/data-values": "~0.1",
>         "mediawiki/semantic-result-formats": "1.9.*",
>         "mediawiki/validator": "1.0.*",
>         "mediawiki/sub-page-list": "~1.1",
>         "mediawiki/semantic-extra-special-properties": "~1.0"
>     }
> }
> I was trying 1.9.2 however I could not get it to work and could not 
> find a solution.
> I’m hoping that the new version will work better with sub-objects.
> Any help would be great
> Thank You!
> Phil
> From: Jeroen De Dauw []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 10:01 PM
> To: Semantic MediaWiki users; Semantic MediaWiki developers
> Subject: [SMW-devel] Semantic MediaWiki 2.0 RC3
> Hey all,
> I am happy to announce the third release candidate for Semantic 
> MediaWiki
> 2.0 is now available.
> Semantic MediaWiki 2.0 is the next big release, which brings new 
> features and many enhancements. Most notably vastly improved SPARQL 
> store support, including a brand new connector for Jena Fuseki.
> Preliminary release notes:
> s/
> Compatibility tables:
> s/ The target for the actual 2.0 release is August 
> 3rd. This release candidate is meant to gather feedback and to provide 
> you with a peak at 2.0 already.
> If you find any issues, please report them on our issue tracker.
> ### Upgrading instructions ###
> If you are using SMW via Composer, update the version in your 
> composer.json to "~2.0@rc<mailto:~2.0@rc>" and run "composer update". 
> If you where running dev versions of the 1.9 series using 
> "~1.9@dev<mailto:~1.9@dev>" or similar, switch to 
> "~2.0@dev<mailto:~2.0@dev>". Note that several extensions to SMW, such 
> as Semantic Maps and Semantic Result Formats, do not yet have any 
> stable release which is installable together with SMW 2.x. If you are 
> also running those, you will likely have to switch them to use a development 
> version.
> If you are using the tarballs, you can download SMW 2.0 RC3 here:
> c%20MediaWiki%202.0%20RC3/
> More detailed upgrading instructions will be made available for the 
> 2.0 release.
> Cheers
> --
> Jeroen De Dauw -
> Software craftsmanship advocate
> Evil software architect at Wikimedia Germany
> ~=[,,_,,]:3
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