On 2017-07-27 13:32, Stephan Gambke wrote:
What you are proposing appears to me to be an attempt of a technical solution for a social problem. IRC my not be the most modern system, but there are web frontends available and I don't think that more people would come to chat about SMW if only the interface was more shiny. And multiplying the communication channels might even be counterproductive as it spreads the people available for conversation over even more places.

Multiplying channels is problematic, and is why I'm raising the topic, so that we can have consensus on where to go, if anywhere.

There are a number of factors apart from just "web access" that I believe make the newer breed of solutions more used:

1) They make history available at all times, even though you weren't logged in all the time. This helps users be able to jump in on a question asked a few hours ago, while you might have been offline (for time zone reasons or whatnot).

2) Mobile clients. Slack, Gitter, RocketChat and some others have very easy to use mobile clients, which allow you to be reachable (upon mention) even when on the move. Of course, you have to set the notification settings to your preferred level of availability, but it can help a lot for people always on the move.

In our research group, we went from a widely used but constantly very low-traffic IRC chat, to a much more frequently used Slack chat, very much because of the above reasons, AFAIS.

As you noted, there already is (or was?) an SMW chat on Gitter that apparently did not get traction.

This room was set up as a test. We didn't inform about it, and it is (currently) not open to anybody outside the SMW github org to join.

Finally, if you don't ask questions because the channel seems so quiet (and other people do the same) then it is probably not a surprise if the channel stays quiet. Or, in other words, start using the existing channel and maybe stay around a while to answer other people's questions, and we might see some more traffic.

I have have asked questions numerous times that never got answers.

I'd be happy to support new users with whatever answers I can provide, but since I don't see questions not asked when I was not online (see points above), that basically never happens.

// Samuel

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