EU gears up for propaganda war with Russia

By Francesco Guarascio

BRUSSELS Thu Mar 19, 2015 Reuters


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union is set to launch a first operation in a 
new propaganda war with Russia within days of EU leaders giving formal approval 
to the campaign at a summit on Thursday.

Officials told Reuters that a dozen public relations and communications experts 
would start work by the end of March in Brussels with a brief to counter what 
the EU says is deliberate misinformation coordinated by the Kremlin over 
Moscow's role and aims in Ukraine and elsewhere in Europe.

It is the first stage of a plan that leaders want EU foreign policy chief 
Federica Mogherini to finalize by June, which may include efforts to produce 
and share Russian-language broadcast programming, notably for ethnic Russians 
in ex-Soviet states.

Those communities currently tune in heavily to Russian state broadcasters, 
which have bigger production budgets than local stations for their 
entertainment output, as well as news.

EU leaders, most especially in the Baltic states, have been alarmed at how 
Moscow has used its media to gain support for its views and policies - with 
budgets that are still likely to dwarf the few million euros a year that 
officials said the EU may provide.

EU leaders agreed on Thursday to extend economic sanctions to push Russia to 
respect a Ukraine peace deal. And a summit statement also said they "stressed 
the need to challenge Russia's ongoing disinformation campaigns", tasking 
Mogherini with delivering a fully fledged plan by June.

The new Brussels unit's immediate task is the "correction and fact-checking of 
misinformation" and to "develop an EU narrative through key messages, articles, 
op-eds, factsheets, infographics, including material in Russian language", 
according to a description circulating among EU officials seen by Reuters.

Staff will be drawn from civil servants already employed by EU institutions or 
seconded from some of the 28 member states.


The EU already provides some support for media within the bloc and beyond, 
including grants and technical assistance to support diverse cultural 
programming and coverage of EU affairs. It could now look at linking some of 
that aid to countering Russian influence. "We may ask for a higher return for 
our investment," said one official involved in preparing the plan, who declined 
to be named.

The EU-funded European Endowment for Democracy (EED), which promotes democratic 
development in neighboring regions, will present proposals on media issues to a 
summit in Latvia on May 21-22, where EU leaders will meet those from Ukraine 
and a handful of Russia's other ex-Soviet neighbors.

EED director Jerzy Pomianowski said one option being studied was "greater 
integration and cooperation" among existing Russian-language media in states 
bordering Russia, to share content that can compete for audiences with 
Moscow-funded programming. 

The EU official said experts could be brought in to help produce programs to 
attract Russian-speakers who do not tune in to existing Western-funded 
Russian-language media such as the BBC, RFI, Deutsche Welle or Radio Free 
Europe. "We need to spread the word beyond the usual suspects," he said.

Still, EU officials involved in the project said they could not hope to compete 
head-on with the expensive news and entertainment channels that Russia beams 
far beyond its borders, or the teams that promote Kremlin ideas on social media.

The bloc is also constrained by a reluctance to be seen to as manipulating news 
content or to engage in overt "propaganda".

"Countering Russia's hard propaganda with its same weapons would not be 
effective and is not feasible," a second EU official said.

(Editing by  
 Alastair Macdonald and  
Kevin Liffey)


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