Serbia gives go-ahead to UAE development plan for Belgrade

 <> Reuters Middle East – 13 hours ago

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* Belgraders split over 3 bln-euro riverside development

* Part of unlikely alliance between Serbia and UAE

By Matt Robinson and Ivana Sekularac

BELGRADE, April 10 (Reuters) - Lawmakers in Serbia gave the green light to a 
riverside development project in Belgrade, bankrolled by an Abu Dhabi investor 
but deeply dividing residents of the capital.

Developers hope to break ground on Belgrade Waterfront this year, transforming 
a bleak wasteland on the east bank of the Sava River over at least the next 10 
years into a forest of gleaming metal and glass at a cost of at least 3 billion 
euros ($3.25 billion).

The conservative government of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic says the project 
will generate 20,000 jobs and breathe new life into Serbia's anaemic economy. 
Critics say it is an expensive gamble, rammed through with little public 
consultation and scant care for the character of the centuries-old city.

It is the crowning project of an unlikely alliance between the United Arab 
Emirates and Serbia under Vucic, spanning defence, agriculture and cheap 

Serbia's 250-seat parliament voted late on Thursday by 176 to nine to adopt a 
special public interest law that allows for the expropriation of land and 
issuing of building permits for the project. The rest of the lawmakers were not 
present for the vote after three days of often acrimonious debate.

Under the plans, on 1.8 million square metres of land will rise 5,700 
apartments, 2,200 hotel rooms, offices for 12,700 people, a sprawling shopping 
mall and a curvaceous 200-metre Dubai-style tower.

"Great cities are built on great dreams," Vucic said in proposing the bill to 
parliament on Tuesday.

"I didn't expect such resistance to modernisation, to progress, to something so 
beautiful for which we didn't have the money; but now we have the money," Vucic 
said, comparing the opposition to that encountered by the architects of the 
Eiffel Tower in Paris and The Shard in London.

The project marks the first foray into central and eastern Europe by Abu 
Dhabi-based Eagle Hills and UAE real estate tycoon Mohamed Alabbar.

It gives the UAE a toehold -- while costs remain relatively low -- in a country 
likely to join the EU, the world's biggest single market, in the next decade. 
It can also avoid the tough public procurement rules, transparency and 
regulation demanded of EU members but more easily circumvented in Serbia.

Opponents, however, say the project, on a riverside strip known as the Sava 
amphitheatre, is fraught with risk.

"This law robs the citizens of Serbia of their dignity," said opposition 
Democratic Party MP Balsa Bozovic, "as they watch the Sava amphitheatre being 
handed over to an investor; the prime minister and mayor care more about the 
investor's interests than those of their own people." ($1 = 0.9234 euros) 
(Writing by Matt Robinson; Editing by Alison Williams)


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