It's Time for the World to Adjust to China's Global Ambition

Liam Halligan - The Telegraph (Britain)


... Since adopting market-based reforms in the late-1970s, China has grown on 
average by 9.8 percent a year, compared with 2.5 percent in America ... It's 
fashionable to talk down China. Certainly, its Communist leaders are grappling 
with a sagging property market, unsteady exports and cooling domestic 
investment. China expanded by 7.4 percent in 2014, the slowest rate for 24 
years. Growth this year could fall below 7 percent, amidst rising labour costs. 
.. That Beijing should seek to exercise power across Asia, and beyond, is 
hardly surprising. China isn't only the world's growth engine but also 
bankroller-in-chief to the US government. The Chinese central bank holds an 
estimated $1,270 billion of US Treasuries ...

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