Sermon Text - Luke 10:9
St. Luke, Evangelist
Sun. & Wed., October 18 & 21, 2009
Zion Lutheran Church, Beecher, IL
OT Reading - Isaiah 35:5-8
Epistle - 2 Timothy 4:5-18
Gospel - Luke 10:1-9

In the name of Jesus.  [Amen]  Our sermon is based on the Gospel of the
Day read a moment ago.  I re-read the following:  [Jesus said:] "Heal the
sick…  and say to them, "The kingdom of God has come near to you."  (Luke
10:9, ESV)

Dear friends in Christ Jesus, 

"St. Luke, Evangelist" is what we're observing today.  Just as dates are
set for other events in the life of the church…  such as September 14th
for Holy Cross Day, and December 25th for Christmas, likewise, October
18th is the appointed day for the Christian Church on earth to consider
the Evangelist, St. Luke.

And no, as we observe St. Luke's "day" we certainly haven't come here to
worship him, rather…  we come here to do something else.  In the second
stanza of the hymn that we just sang it's described for us exactly what
the day "St. Luke, Evangelist" is all about.

For that belov'd physician
   All praise, whose Gospel shows
The Healer of the nations,
   The one who shares our woes.
Your wine and oil, O Savior,
   Upon our spirits pour,
And with true balm of Gilead
   Anoint us evermore.  (Lutheran Service Book, #518, v. 26)

You see, that second stanza…  unique to St. Luke…  describes why October
18th has been selected as "his" day.  On October 18th the church honors
Luke for what he did.  For besides being a trusted Christian companion of
St. Paul…  caring for his physical needs as a medical doctor…  Luke also
wrote two of the 66 books of Holy Scripture.  And those two books - The
Gospel According to St. Luke and The Book of Acts - they're known for
their clear witness of what the message of God is!

That message of God is before us again here and now…  just as it is every
time that we enter this holy place.  That message…  "The kingdom of God
has come near to you."

Yeah…  that's what Luke the Physician, Luke the Evangelist is known for. 
He's known for thoroughly researching the accounts of Jesus' ministry of
which he'd heard.  

To do that Luke spoke to eyewitnesses.  He meticulously accumulated
details.  And then he recorded those great accounts for Theophilus and
for all who would follow…  in all times and in all eras…  in the one true

It's because of Luke, you see, that we have the beautiful account of the
birth of our Lord Jesus…  and that we know of the 12 year old Jesus… 
already at a young age going "about [His] Father's business" in the
temple.  And it's because of Luke, that our faith is informed and
strengthened by the parable of The Good Samaritan and the accounts of The
Rich Man and Lazarus and Jesus on the Road to Emmaus with two disciples
among so many other accounts.

In other words, because of Luke's diligence to research and write down
these great narratives found in Scripture, we're blessed to have that
much clearer of an understanding of the purpose of Holy Scripture…  that
is…  to let God's people know that "the kingdom of God has come" upon the

But, I ask you…  and be honest…  would you be completely comfortable with
"the kingdom of God" coming upon you at any time and at any place in your

For example…  would you want the kingdom of God to come upon you during
every discussion that you have regarding your neighbor?  Would you want
the kingdom of God to suddenly appear when you think that no one is
looking…  and no one will know what you're doing?

At such times you'd rather wait, wouldn't you, to have the kingdom come
to you.  For at those times you'd be caught red-handed…  seeking what's
not yours…  lusting after what's forbidden to you…  or attempting to
glorify yourself at the expense of others.

But dear Baptized ones of God, knowing that we are that way, is why we
thrill at St. Luke's writings.  We thrill at hearing them and reading
them, for we know that God in Christ brought His kingdom to us in spite
of our sinfulness!

In fact, He brought it to us because of our sinfulness…  because of our
being helplessly lost!  What St. Luke describes in Holy Scripture is
nothing less than an account of God's love for fallen man…  God's love
for you!

Luke shows that Jesus Christ, God's Son, was the fulfillment of all the
Old Testament promises of God to redeem His people who betrayed Him all
so often.  Luke shows that God, Himself, in the Second Person of the
Trinity took the sins of the world upon Himself to the cross and endured
the punishment that was due to sinners…  dying and rising again…  so that
He might have them once again as His own, to live with Him forever.

Luke shows that God eagerly desires to wash His people in His Baptism…
feast with them at His table…  and tell them over and over again…  "Your
sins are forgiven. Go in peace!" in His absolution.

And that's why we observe this Minor Festival of St. Luke, Evangelist. 
We do so…  because it's not only Luke's "day…"  but because it's also
"our" day!  For all that Luke describes in Scripture ultimately has to do
with us.  Yeah…  he writes of our sin…  but he also writes of our
salvation from sin, death, and the devil given to us as a gift through
faith in Christ Jesus.

Do you see it?  In a great twist, Luke the Physician… trained to be a
healer of broken bones and disease ravished bodies…  was used by God to
write of the true Healer of mankind!  Luke wrote of Jesus, who came to
"heal the sick" and to "say to them, the kingdom of God has come near to

And because of this, Isaiah's words (Isaiah 35:5-8) are fulfilled:  "a
highway…  the way of holiness" is opened to us.  We who were lame with
sin…  now leap like deer!  And those whose tongues were shackled in sin… 
now sing praises to Him who has healed our wounds for time…  and
eternity!  Thanks be to God! [Amen.]

May the peace of God which passes all human understanding keep your
hearts and minds in Christ Jesus unto life everlasting.  [Amen.]
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