/And He said, "Come forth and stand on a mountain to the face of Yahweh." And look, Yahweh was passing over, and a wind, great and strong was breaking into the mountains and was breaking up rocks to the face of Yahweh; Yahweh was not in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake; Yahweh was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake, a fire; Yahweh was not in the fire. And after the fire, a voice of quiet calm. And it happened as Elijah heard, and he wrapped his face in his splendid robe and he came forth and stood at the opening of the cave, and look, to him, a voice, and it said, "Why are you in here, Elijah?" And he said, "Eager, my eagerness in Yahweh, God of armies; for the sons of Israel have left behind Your covenant, your sacrificial places they have demolished, and Your prophets they have killed by sword. I myself remain, in solitude; and they seek my soul to take away." And Yahweh said to him..."Elisha, son of Shaphat from Abel-meholah you will anoint to be prophet in your stead...And I leave a remnant in Israel, 7000, all the knees which have not bowed to Ba-al, and every mouth which has not kissed him." And he walked from there and he found Elisha son of Shaphat, and he was plowing with 12 pairs before him, and he was upon the twelfth. And Elijah crossed over to him and cast his splendid robe upon him. And he left behind the oxen and he ran after Elijah and he said, "May I kiss, please, my father and my mother, and I will walk after you. And he said to him, "Walk, return; for what have I done to you?" And he returned from going after him, and he took the pair of the oxen and he sacrificed them, and with the implements of the oxen he cooked the sacrificed-flesh. And he gave to the people and they ate, and he rose and walked after Elijah and he served him. /

When God calls you to leave everything behind, and follow Him, that's never easy. When Jesus called His first disciples, they deserted their families, friends, & jobs as fishermen to follow Jesus and catch men alive. When God called Elisha to become the next Prophet of Israel, he had trouble leaving too. He wanted to at least kiss his parents good-bye. But he too made a clean break from his former work as a farmer, burning his plow & yoke, and killing & eating his plowing oxen.

Now, I know what you are wondering...does God call you to leave your family, friends, & former occupation to follow Him? In most cases..."No". Some are called as missionaries to preach & teach in new places. Sometimes a Yankee is called South to become a Pastor & Teacher of a congregation. But for most people, God doesn't call them to leave home, or to give up their job for Him. You can be a disciple of Christ Jesus without abandoning your family or your current occupation.

But this doesn't mean you don't leave anything behind to follow Jesus, because you do. You leave behind your sins! The words of the prophets like Elisha declare you to be forgiven. And when God speaks through His called prophets, things happen! God's strong word bespeaks you righteous with Christ's Own holy righteousness credited to you, each time your Pastor, in God's stead and by His command absolves you of your sins in the same name that washed them away in your Baptism!

Yet, you may sometimes be a bit reluctant to leave your sins behind. Just like Elisha hesitated a bit, wanting to kiss his parents good-bye, you aren't always ready to leave your sinful past behind you. Like Lot's wife, you kinda want to turn back and have one last look at the way things were. Your favorite bad habits that brought you some worldly pleasure tug at you, causing you to long for a return back to your former lifestyle. "Just one last time..." you think, "what could it hurt?" you ponder.

That's when God says to you, as Elijah said to Elishah, "Yeah, you can go back if you want." Surely, you "could" do what you want, but you know it isn't what the Lord wants. For He has called you by that sweet gospel message to become a new creation in Christ Jesus at your Baptism. The old you has drowned & died at the + in the waters of the font, and the new you has been raised up in Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday to walk in new life--a life that follows Jesus now...and forevermore!

Yes, you leave behind everything to follow Jesus in one more way. The temporary things of this life, the worldly things of this earth, and the material things of everyday living are left behind. There will be no u-haul attached to your hearse someday. Instead, you are gifted by God with abundant life with Jesus, spiritual blessings of faith & grace, and eternal wonders in the paradise of heaven above. Just as you died & rose with Jesus in baptism, you also follow after Jesus to go where He has ascended. Forgiven by His body given & blood shed for you at Calvary, you are holy followers of Jesus forever!

John C. Drosendahl, Pastor



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