“Uriah, John, and Jesus”
Feast of the Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist
St. Mark 6:14-29
August 29, 2010
(Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost)


“Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”  These
are some of the sweetest Gospel words ever proclaimed, words spoken by
John the Baptist.  His task was to bring his hearers to repentance and
to lead them to Christ.  And once brought to Christ, John would step
out of the picture, for Christ must increase, and John must decrease.
With John’s preaching style, that would be quite the decrease.  If he
was in this pulpit today, you might consider him to be a “hellfire and
brimstone” type of preacher—the kind of preacher, as one of my
professors would say, that would preach the Gospel and then say, “Now
stick that in your pipe and smoke it!”  John was not someone we would
consider the “ideal” pastor, because he was not a respecter of
persons; he didn’t care whom he offended with his preaching.  That’s
what happens with the preaching of the Law: it offends people, it
rattles their cages, it shakes people out of their comfort zones, it
exposes people for who they really are: sinners in the hands of an
angry God.  John took on the Pharisees, calling them a brood of
vipers.  Today he might call them snakes in the grass.  He even took
on the ruler, Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great, and his
immorally-gained wife, Herodias.  John exposed their sin of adultery.
Herod divorced his wife in favor of the wife of his brother, Herod
Philip, whom Herodias divorced.  Worse than that, both of these men
were her uncles.  This has all the makings of a soap opera set in some
backwoods area, but this is most certainly true, as the Holy Spirit
inspired the blessed Evangelist St. Mark to write of these events.

What Mark writes here is tragic.  It is tragic because a righteous man
was killed—martyred—for the sake of the Gospel, for the sake of Jesus
Christ.  John was a preacher of the Gospel, but in good Lutheran
fashion, he didn’t preach the Gospel to secure, impenitent sinners.
But when they did come to repentance, he gave them the Gospel: he
baptized them.  John baptized his repentant hearers into the coming
Messiah, into His impending death and resurrection.  John’s was a
valid baptism, for he was sent by God to preach and to baptize.
John’s baptism was truly sacramental, for it was instituted by God,
who joined His Word to the visible element of water, and gave the
forgiveness of sins.  Thanks be to God that John was faithful in his
service—and in his preaching.  Here is where the tragedy lies.  John
was killed on account of his faithful preaching, a drunk ruler, a
seductively-dancing stepdaughter, and a vindictive wife.  All of this
led to John’s being beheaded.  John shed blood for the sake of Christ,
and for this reason, the liturgical color for this festal day is red,
as it is for most of the apostles and evangelists who were martyred
for the faith.  The word martyr comes from a Greek word meaning
“witness.”  John was a witness to Christ.  He was the greatest witness
of them all, for he was the immediate forerunner to the Lamb of God.
John witnessed for Christ, and for Him John was killed.  It matters
not who killed him or what their motivations were.  What matters is
that he was killed and that he was killed for the sake of Jesus
Christ.  He who in his mother’s womb leapt for joy at the presence of
his Lord would lay in a headless heap for this same Lord.  I am
holding a print of an icon, a picture that teaches the faith.  This
icon depicts John the Baptist holding his own head in his arm, the
head that he lost in exchange for the crown of life that was his in
the Messiah whom he foretold.

There lay John’s lifeless—headless—body, vindicated in his
faithfulness.  There were Herod, his friends, his stepdaughter, and
his wife, condemned in their transgressions.  There was a cover-up of
the adultery John exposed by having righteous John killed.  King David
sought to cover up his adultery with, and his impregnating, Bathsheba
by having her innocent husband Uriah killed in battle.  There was
Uriah, in a heap.  There was John, dead and no head.  Both paid for
their innocence with their very lives.  David and Herodias could not
handle the truth.  They did not want their sinful deeds exposed; so
they sought to cancel out one sin by committing another.  The Law of
God was written on their hearts, and they did not like what was
written there.  You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you
mad.  So it was with David.  So it was with Herodias.  So it is with
us.  We are no better than they were, no better than those Pharisees
whom John called a brood of vipers.  They didn’t like their dirty
laundry being aired.  They didn’t want their sins exposed.  We don’t
want our sins brought to light, either.  In fact, we don’t like being
told that we are sinners.  The Old Adam in us hates to admit—to
confess—that we are unworthy, that we have sinned in thought, word,
and deed, and that we cannot free ourselves from our sinful condition,
just as we did this morning, perhaps even grudgingly.  We prayed with
the Psalmist, “If You, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who
could stand?”  We certainly could not.  We would tremble before His
throne, meeting a far more tragic end than either Uriah or John
saw—more tragic because we in our sins deserve eternal death.  This is
why the preaching of the Law offends people.  It offends us.  It
scandalizes us.  We would rather shoot the messenger than hear the
message that we deserve to go to hell.  Such is the life of the
faithful preacher—and perhaps the death of him.

But the preaching of God’s Law in all its fullness serves to bring our
sins to light so that we would repent of them.  Why is it important
that we repent of our sins?  The word repent literally means “to turn
around.”  We are to repent of our sins so that we would receive the
Gospel, that we would receive God’s forgiveness.  Why is that so
important?  It means that, having received His forgiveness, we no
longer receive His condemnation but His promise of eternal life in
heaven.  Through Confession and Absolution we are no longer sinners in
the hands of an angry God but sinner-saints in the arms of a loving
and gracious God.  Our heavenly Father has taken us into His arms
because His Son stretched out His arms on the cross and shed His holy,
precious blood in His innocent suffering and death.  John shed his
blood for Christ’s sake.  Christ shed His blood for yours.  Christ
shed His blood on the cross so that you would drink of His blood at
His Table.  He gave His body over to death, that you would eat it unto
life.  The One who is truly innocent and without sin, Jesus Christ,
became your sin and died your death, so that in the living waters of
Holy Baptism His resurrected life would be yours as well.  He robes
you in His righteousness, robes washed in the blood of the Lamb of
God, who takes away the sin of the world, has mercy upon us, and
grants us His peace, that peace which the world cannot give, the peace
which surpasses all understanding.  We no longer dwell in the darkness
of the shadow of death, but we now get to bask in the Son of God.
Through Him, we will see heaven.  We will see John the Baptist.  We
will see our Lord face to face in all His glory.  What a most
beautiful day that will be.  Amen!  Even so, come, Lord Jesus.  Amen.


The Rev. Pr. Mark A. Schlamann, Lincoln, NE

Vacancy Pastor, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Pleasant Dale, Nebraska

Sermons available at http://lcmssermons.com/Schlamann

Catch the NEW "Issues, Etc." at http://www.issuesetc.org

"When you are baptized, partake of Holy Communion, receive the
absolution, or listen to a sermon, heaven is open, and we hear the
voice of the Heavenly Father; all these works descend upon us from the
open heaven above us. God converses with us, provides for us; and
Christ hovers over us--but invisibly. And even though there were
clouds above us as impervious as iron or steel, obstructing our view
of heaven, this would not matter. Still we hear God speaking to us
from heaven; we call and cry to Him, and He answers us. Heaven is
open, as St. Stephen saw it open (Acts 7:55); and we hear God when He
addresses us in Baptism, in Holy Communion, in confession, and in His
Word as it proceeds from the mouth of the men who proclaim His message
to the people."--Martin Luther (1/19/1538 [LW 22:202])
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