Here's the sermon delivered yesterday at my parish.
Pr. Ron Rock
Zion, Beecher, IL

“Carefully Watching Jesus”
Sermon Text – Luke 14:1
Sun. & Wed., August 29 & September 1, 2010
Pentecost 14, Proper 17, C
Old Testament Reading – Proverbs 25:2-10
Epistle Reading – Hebrews 13:1-17
Gospel Lesson – Luke 14:1-14
Zion Lutheran Church, Beecher, IL
Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our blessed
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  [Amen.]
Our sermon is based on the following from today’s Gospel reading:  One
Sabbath, when [Jesus] went to dine at the house of a ruler of the
Pharisees, they were watching him carefully.  (Luke 14:1, ESV)
Dear friends in Christ Jesus,
In a sense, I feel sorry for them.  I really feel sorry for anyone in the
public eye.  For example, take politicians, or political commentators. 
In our day and age where nearly everyone has some sort of handheld device
that can capture pictures with incredible clarity…  and digitally record
every word that one says…  politicians and those involved in that
endeavor have to watch everything…  and I mean everything…  that they say
or do!
Whether it’s the President or Rush Limbaugh, there’s always someone
carefully watching them and they’re just waiting for the person in the
public eye to say or do something wrong.  They’re looking for that “Ah
haa!” moment where they can capture “evidence” against their perceived
enemy and then use that picture or sound bite to make them to look bad.
For President Obama or Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid it might be the
internet web site who’s waiting in the wings.  And for
former President George Bush,  Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck…  it could be
another internet web site known as the Huffington Post that is likewise
always to be found in the background waiting for a stumble to occur…  and
then capture it…  and exploit it…  to their advantage!
Similarly, in today’s Gospel reading, those who intensely dislike Jesus,
the Pharisees, are skulking around.  Luke tells us they’re lurking and
“watching Him carefully.” (v. 1)  They’re hoping against hope that Jesus
will stumble…  and thereby give them ammunition to discredit Him in front
of the people…  who are beginning to reject their leadership and are
becoming disciples of Jesus!  They hope that Jesus will say the wrong
thing, or get involved in that sort of activity, that they can broadcast
far and wide… and through that…  make Him to be anything but…  the
long-awaited Messiah that some folks were saying that He was.
And why…?  Why would the Pharisees back then…  and groups today such as and the Huffington Post…  try to get “the goods” on other
You know why.  We all know why…  In our arrogance we all so often think
that we have a lock on all wisdom…  That we know all the answers.  Or… 
in our desire for power, and to have things go our way…  rather than
engage in a rational, decent discussion on the issues, we resort to name
calling or innuendo so as to discredit those with whom we disagree.
Or…  worst of all…  we pull every trick out of our “dirty playbook” and
attempt to demonize others.  And it’s all done…  so we can get what we
want…  regardless of the truth…  regardless of who is hurt…  regardless
of anything!
Yeah, those Pharisees were pathetic…  “watching Jesus carefully” so they
could have things go their way.
And… and…  we’re just the same…  every one of us.  For we all, from time
to time, can also be caught red-handed doing those same tricks…  looking
for that moment when we can declare “Ah haa!” and point an accusing
finger at someone else…  and in the process, attempt to better ourselves…
 and our position at their expense!
But…  did you notice something…?  Even while the Pharisees were “watching
Jesus carefully…”  He…  He…  was watching them!
Elsewhere, St. John tells us in general why Jesus was watching the
Pharisees:  “But Jesus on His part did not entrust Himself to them,
because He knew all people…  for He Himself knew  what was in man.” (Jn.
2:24-25, ESV)
Jesus knew the deceit and duplicity…  He knew the ulterior motives and
intentions of the Pharisees that day…  and that’s why He asked His
questions of them.
The Pharisees were always looking for a point of God’s Law that they
could say that Jesus ignored; but this time…  He turned the tables on
them.  He asked them two questions regarding the Law, and…  as you heard
twice over… “They remained silent…  (v. 4)  “…they could not reply to
these things.” (v. 6)
That’s the way it is…  that’s the way it always is…  when sinful man is
confronted by the holy, righteous God…  he’s left speechless!  He has no
answer for himself…  and his sinful antics.  His or her sins stand out
like a man wearing a dirty T-shirt and cutoff shorts at a White House
State Dinner!
You see, in our sinfulness, we’re always watching out for “Number 1…” 
for ourselves.  But our dear Lord Jesus…  even though He knew that He’d
be ambushed wherever He would go…  He came into this world of sin and
death to carefully watch out for us!
Yeah!  That’s right!  Jesus came into this world to rescue us so that we
might…  by His grace…  avoid sin and death and hell!  He came to take our
sinful, shameful acts of thought, word, and action upon Himself…  …and
then undergo their full punishment on the holy cross.  
I know…  I know…  you’ve heard that so many times in your life.  Most of
you are well aware of Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection
three days later.
But…  again…  do you really, truly understand the eternal implications of
that action?
Do you really, truly understand that because of Jesus…  the gates of
heaven are no longer sealed and locked tight… for the likes of you and
the sin that you all so often willingly embrace?
Rather…  as we said…  the gates of heaven are open… wide open.  Jesus
calls you to repent…  and in faith look on His action in your place as
your hope of salvation.  In love, He carefully watches you and watches
out for you…  so that you might be with Him and He with you forever.
Non-believers cringe at the notion of Jesus “carefully watching” them. 
That’s because deep down they know that their sins…  and God’s judgment
of that sin…  still stand against them.
But for us Christians, we take great comfort, knowing that Jesus watches
every move that we make.  For we know that as He watches us, He no longer
sees our sin; but rather, He sees His righteousness that’s now ours
through our God-given faith.
He carefully watches over us as we live out our Baptisms.  He rejoices
when we come to His house to hear His Word of life and receive His
He thrills to see us living our lives in humility…  not as a show in
order to manipulate others and thereby get what we want; but when we
imitate His loving action of putting the needs of others before
He’s pleased when we give of our time, talent, and material treasure so
that others might come to know what we know… forgiveness of sins…  every
one of them…  and through that…  to be at peace with the almighty God,
So many in our world eagerly seek that “Ah haa!” moment when they think
that they’ve successfully trapped someone in a tough spot.  But our dear
Lord Christ came not to trap us, but to free us.  May we ever walk in
that newness of life with Him…  both here in time…  and there in
eternity.  Thanks be to God!  [Amen.]
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