Martyrdom means witness, and this unto death, as we heard in our opening
from Rev. 2: "Be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of

We can well imagine that these words of our Lord rang in the ears of
Polycarp during his own martyrdom.

And we do see in the martyrdom of Polycarp, and indeed of all the saints,
that this is not just for one's own salvation--for one is not saved by his
own death, but Christ's. But holding fast to this confession of the truth
of the crucified and risen Christ, even unto death, this a witness, a
martyrdom, of love to those who follow in the footsteps of the
martyrs--indeed the footsteps of each and every saint of God in His
Christian Church. This is the greatest of love.

To hear and/or read the entire sermon preached for Invocavit, "Tempted As
We Are," click on this link.<>

Pax in Christo, non te pox;
Rev. Kurt Hering, Pastor
Trinity Lutheran Church
Layton, Utah

"Don't ask me Nothin' about nothin'
I just might tell you The truth" -- Bob Dylan
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