The Third Sunday After the Epiphany 
How to Decide 
Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior 
Jesus Christ! Amen. In today’s Epistle, God says to each and every Christian, 
including you, “I want you to be free from anxieties.” At the end of the 
Epistle, God also says that He wants “to promote good order and to secure your 
undivided devotion to the Lord.” With these Words, the Lord your God wants you 
to know that He is able to help you make important decisions in your life. God 
wants you younger adults to take today’s Epistle especially to heart, now that 
you are beginning to make big decisions concerning school, work, family and 
future. You are not alone: your parents and grandparents also face important 
decisions all the time. God wants to help each of us old geezers, too. 
Dear Christian friends: 
In order to get down to the decision-making abilities God has for you in 
today’s Epistle, we first have to deal with the talk about marriage. God used 
Paul to write these Words, and Paul was unmarried. Because there was such a 
high expectation that Jesus would immediately return, Paul believed that people 
should not divide their attentions by getting married. There would be no time 
to raise the kids, anyway. That is why Paul said, 
Brothers, the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who 
have wives live as though they had none… The married man is anxious about 
worldly things, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided. … The 
married woman is anxious about worldly things, how to please her husband. 
We Christians today still live in the high expectation that our Lord Jesus 
might return at any moment “to judge both the living and the dead.” But time 
has also passed, and we have learned to wait. We also have gone on, marrying 
and giving in marriage, according to the Word of the Lord (Matthew 24:38) and 
with His blessing (Matthew 19:6). 
Now look at the bigger picture in today’s Epistle, which has to do with more 
than the divine gift of a man marrying a woman (Genesis 2:22-24). God has 
written some important guidance into today’s Epistle that will help you with 
many important decisions that you will need to make in your life while you 
patiently wait for your Lord’s return. 
1. Let’s begin with the end of the Epistle, where God says that He wants “to 
promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord.” 
1a) The Words “promote good order” point us in the direction of the Ten 
Commandments. “Good order” is built into the commandments. If you make 
decisions by ignoring or rejecting God’s Ten Commandments, then you have no 
reason to expect any blessing from Him, either in this life or in the life to 
come. If you make your decisions with God’s Word and commandments central to 
your mind and heart, then you may trust that you are headed in a good 
direction. Therefore, the Ten Commandments should be integral to your 
decision-making at every stage of life. Here are some examples of what I mean: 
o       We live in a world that allows you to buy more stuff than you afford. 
But God says in His commandments, “You shall not steal” and “You shall not 
covet.” Therefore, when you are thinking about making a major purchase—such as 
an automobile or a house—God wants you to make the decision that will fit your 
budget. God does not want you to pretend that you have more income than you do. 
That is “good order.” 
o       The world also offers you plenty of opportunity to do all kinds of 
things with your body—with or without marriage. God will help you make godly 
decisions—and He will protect you from many evils—if you will only respect the 
“good order” He built into His sixth commandment, “You shall not commit 
o       Again, God says in the Fifth Commandment, “You shall not murder.” These 
Words indicate that “professional assassin” is not a good and godly career 
choice. “Soldier” might be, however, because the God who said “You shall not 
murder” has also commanded us to obey our government (Fourth Commandment; 
Romans 13)—and the Fourth Commandment allows even for military service. 
o       Each of God’s Ten Commandments can be brought to bear upon the major 
decisions you must make. God’s commandments will give you the blessing of 
helping you narrow your options when it comes to family, career and every other 
part of life. Solomon said it well: “Fear God and keep His commandments, for 
this is the whole duty of all mankind” (Ecclesiastes 12:13). God has also 
attached is blessing to your mindfulness of His commandments. No, the 
commandments will not get you into eternal life. Jesus has already done that 
job for you—exclusively and completely—with His bloody death and victorious 
resurrection. Yet the Words of God are clear and they declare, “Blessed are 
those who keep My ways” (Proverbs 8:27). Again God says, “Godliness is valuable 
in every way, because it holds promise for the present life and also for the 
life to come” (1 Timothy 4:8). 
1b) Your decision-making should also take into account these other Words at the 
end of today’s Epistle, “to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord.” With 
these Words, God is telling you that He does not want you to take up a field of 
study that will cause you to doubt or to reject the divine gift of faith in 
Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins. God does not want you to gather 
friends for yourself who will devalue or undermine your Christian confession. 
God even says in another place that He does not want you to be “yoked together 
with unbelievers” (2 Corinthians 6:14). God does not want you to do things that 
will prevent your access to the gifts that He has given to you for increasing 
your faith, namely, the preaching of the church and the administration of the 
Holy Communion. God wants you to make wise and careful decisions that will 
enhance, promote, and “secure your undivided devotion to the Lord.” 
In today’s Epistle, God says yet another important thing about decision-making. 
Before we get to that, however, we should pause and notice what God does NOT 
say here about decision-making. 
•       First, God does not say that He will help your decisions by whispering 
into your ears, speaking in a dream, or thundering from the sky. God used to 
talk that way in His Old Testament, but God also says in His New Testament that 
He is all done talking that way. Hebrews chapter 1 states, “Long ago, at many 
times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these 
last days He has spoken to us by His Son” (Hebrews 1:1). These Words indicate 
that the good news concerning Jesus is greatest and final thing that God wishes 
to say. These Words also indicate that God’s Christians today have no business 
seeking dreams and visions. 
•       You should also bear in mind that, just because you make a careful, 
God-pleasing decision, that does not necessarily mean that your life is going 
to be rosy and trouble-free. The Scriptures describe the Christian life as one 
of hardship and cross (Mark 8:34)—one that God promises will end with a 
victorious resurrection. The Lord your God does not use riches, happiness or 
success to indicate that He is pleased with you. God is fully and completely 
pleased with you on account of Jesus’ Baptism into your life (Mark 1:11) and 
His sanctifying death for your sins (Hebrews 10:10). 
2. Now let’s get back to today’s Epistle, and the most important element God 
has for your major decisions in life. God says here, “I want you to be free 
from anxieties.” Yes, Paul uses these Words to talk about the everyday 
challenges of marriage, but these Words certainly have a wider application to 
all decisions in life. God wants you to be “free from anxieties.” This means 
•       You should think things over carefully, but do not get too wrapped 
around the axel. Just take your best shot within the parameters of the 
Christian faith and LET YOUR GOD BE YOUR GOD. When you face decisions trusting 
in the Lord, what can possibly go wrong? “The Lord watches over the way of the 
righteous” (Psalm 1:6) and YOU have been made righteous in the blood of Christ 
(1 Peter 3:18). Or were you baptized in vain? “Not even a sparrow can fall to 
the ground outside your Father’s care—and you are worth more than many 
sparrows!” (Matthew 10:29, 31). Therefore it is written, “Cast your burden on 
the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be 
moved” (Psalm 55:22). We also have the personal promise of our Lord, “Come to 
Me, all you who are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). 
•       God is so thoroughly pleased with you in Christ Jesus—in His 
forgiveness and life—that you no longer need to worry too much about the 
details. “He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will 
He not also with Him give us all things?” (Romans 8:32). Therefore “nothing 
shall separate us from the love of Christ” (Romans 8:35)—not even major 
decisions concerning college or work, marriage or family, medical or financial 
Today’s Epistle speaks the grace of God and the freedom we now have in Christ 
Jesus our Lord. The Words, “I want you to be free from anxieties,” mean that 
•       you can choose the blonde Christian or the redheaded one, and God will 
bless you in many ways either way. 
•       you can choose work or school according to your own good pleasure—since 
the work of pleasing God is already fully accomplished in Christ. 
•       you are free to choose the surgery, or free to face what happens if you 
do not choose the surgery—either way, your body shall rise on the Last Day and 
the earth shall at last give birth to her dead (Isaiah 26:19). 
•       you have nothing to fear in any decision you face. No matter what 
comes—hardship and ease, lean or plenty, sorrow or happiness—no matter what 
comes, your future shall be full of God’s grace. 
Now I will speak to each of you as a father in Christ: “I want you to be free 
from anxieties,” my child. Jesus is your past, having been crucified for the 
forgiveness of your sins. Jesus is your present, ever cleansing you and 
watching over you in the power of your Baptism. Jesus is your future, bringing 
you at last to your eternal home and promising to make right again everything 
that shall seem to go wrong. Your God has sworn and He will not change His 
mind: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 

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