"Your Lord Sustains You in Faith"
Third Sunday in Lent
February 28, 2016
Luke 11:14–28

We pray that those who do not believe in Jesus will repent and believe
in Him. We pray also that those who do believe will continue to humbly
confess their sins and hold fast to the unchangeable truth of God’s
Word. We pray for those who have faith and and those who do not. Those
who have no faith reject God’s love in Jesus Christ. Those who do have
faith recognize that it is purely by the glory of God in being
merciful and gracious to them.

This is what is shown us God’s Word. The man in the Gospel reading was
granted liberation from the demon who possessed him by the action of
Jesus, not by his own action. The man was held captive by the power of
Satan and was released by the power of God. The demon that possessed
him rendered him unable to speak. When Jesus released him from his
bondage his mouth was released as well and he spoke.

This is testament to the power God in our lives. It shows what faith
is. Faith cannot help but speak. It is that which is given by God and
proclaims the power of God, not the power of self. The man spoke and
surely did not speak of his own ability or power or worthiness. He was
able to speak because Jesus gave him the ability to speak.

But it is sad that the ability to speak does not always flow from
faith. The words we speak are not always reserved for the object of
faith, giving praise and glory to God for His salvation in His Son. No
sooner had the man been released from his demon possession than some
who witnessed it spoke against Christ. “Some of them said, ‘He casts
out demons by Beelzebul, the prince of demons,’ while others, to test
Him, kept seeking from Him a sign from heaven.” These two responses to
Jesus were not of faith but of unbelief.

The good and gracious work of Jesus in giving the man new life was met
with hostility—He casts out demons by Satan himself. What ought to
have been a glorious display to them of the power of God and His love
was met with derision. Some were seeking a sign from heaven. I’m not
sure what else they were wanting to see. Delivering a person from
demon possession is a work that the God of heaven does. What ought to
have been a clear sign from heaven brought about in the person of
Jesus Christ was met with disdain.

Jesus shows them the folly of their claim. “Every kingdom divided
against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls. And if
Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand?”
News flash! Satan does not want demons cast out of people! The whole
point of demon possession is for the people to be overcome by the
power of Satan. If he starts casting out the demons, how is he going
to overcome those people? Satan does not work against himself.

Jesus then tells them what they really know but reject, that it is by
the finger of God that He casts out demons. And, He says, if this is
so, “then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.” They are face to face
with God almighty in the person of Jesus but they reject Him. The
Kingdom of God has come to them. Jesus has come to bring the glorious
reign of God to earth by giving salvation to people, delivering them
from the bondage of Satan. He has come to grant faith to people, but
it is agonizing to see that some simply do not want this gracious and
merciful salvation.

Why is this? Why do some people not want the salvation God offers? Why
do they not want to believe in Jesus who has come to deliver them from
their sin and bondage to Satan? Jesus shows why. “When a strong man,
fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe; but when one
stronger than he attacks him and overcomes him, he takes away his
armor in which he trusted and divides his spoil.” People by nature are
under the rule of Satan. He is a strong man, fully armed, as Jesus
describes him. He guards the palace of this world and the goods, the
life people have, are safe. This is what people want. They are secure.
They have what they want. They’re fine just the way they are.

But Jesus says that a stronger man comes and attacks the strong man.
Jesus is the one who comes to the strong man and attacks him. Jesus is
stronger than Satan. That is why it was so easy for Jesus to cast out
the demon. But some people want to stay in their secure palace guarded
by Satan. Jesus defeats Satan but people are already comfortable. They
don’t like it that Jesus has come in, and as the stronger man, has
rocked the boat. Reacting in unbelief instead of faith, they go back
to Satan where he guards their palace.

Why is this appealing to them? Why would someone seek to remain under
Satan’s dominion instead of the freeing realm of Christ? Because Jesus
calls for faith. He calls for a penitent heart and steadfast faith.
The Lord is the Lord who breaks into the kingdom of Satan and rescues
us. When this happens those who harden themselves to His salvation do
not see the amazing freedom of humbly rejoicing in pure grace. They do
not see that Jesus lifts the burden of guilt and separates sin from us
as far as the east is from the west. They do not see that a life of
faith is not burdensome but joyful.

They think that God replaces the dominion of Satan with laws and
commandments and burdens. They think new life in Christ is not
fulfilling. They want to be the master of their own life, not
realizing that Satan is the real master of their life. But God does
not save us only to burden us with laws and commands and burdens. He
saves us and then gives us more and more good. If it is true that we
are to keep His commands—and it is—then we see through the eyes of
faith, not the eyes of the world and the devil, that those commands He
gives us benefit us. To our natural flesh the commands of God seem
burdensome. But the evil spirit having been driven out of us, we see
with new eyes by the power of the Holy Spirit. We see greater joy
through the commands of God than we ever realized while under the
dominion of Satan.

The apostle Paul calls this in the Epistle reading walking in love. He
says, “Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a
fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” It is not a burden to love
others but a joy. This is nothing else than what the commands of God
are all about. He fulfilled them and suffered our punishment for not
fulfilling them. Instead of being sexually immoral, we rejoice in the
gift of marriage. Instead of coveting, we rejoice in the good gifts
God has already granted to us. This is how the Epistle reading speaks
of the commands of God and the new life we have in Christ.

This is why Jesus says in the Gospel reading, “Blessed are those who
hear the Word of God and keep it.” In your Baptism Jesus came rushing
into your life through the waters that flooded over you. This powerful
flood drowned Satan and his dominion over you. Your Lord gave you new
life and you were now a child of God. The Holy Spirit marked you as a
new creation and created faith in you. You now were embarking on a new
life, one in which you hear the Word of God and keep it. One in which
you rejoice at God’s Word and not the word of Satan and of the world
and of your own sinful flesh.

Satan cannot claim you. You were drowned in those waters of Baptism
and were brought to life that does not end. It lasts forever and you
are in the realm of the Heavenly Father who is merciful and gracious
and who keeps giving you His Son over and over again through the
Gospel and through the Sacraments to attack Satan and bind that strong
man. Your Lord, the very Son of God who brought Satan to crushing
defeat by dying in your stead, sustains you in the faith first given
you in Baptism. Your Lord casts out the one who had power over you.
You were given a new voice—the voice of faith. Faith that speaks of
the glories of the mercies of God. Faith that speaks thanksgiving at
hearing again and again of forgiveness, life, and salvation. Amen.


Pastor Paul L. Willweber
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church [LCMS]
6801 Easton Ct., San Diego, California 92120

It is the spirit and genius of Lutheranism to be liberal in everything
except where the marks of the Church are concerned.
[Henry Hamann, On Being a Christian]
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