This is valid source as far as the Java language is concerned. InetNetwork is not an inner class, but rather is another class in the same package. While it is customary to put each class in its own file this is not required by Java standards.

But, from scanning the Exception message which you attach, this practice seems to violate a design assumption of Avalon.

Although I have not tried this, I suspect you could make InetNetwork into an inner class simply by moving the closing brace of class NetMatcher down below the closing brace of InetNetwork. That might fly, and might even have been intended, if no class but NetMatcher uses reference to InetNetwork.

Rich Hammer
Hillsborough, N.C.

Stephen McConnell wrote:

This one is interesting:

The class org.apache.james.util.NetMatcher includes references to the inner class InetNetwork. However, if we look at the source we see that InetNetwork is not defined as an inner class (at least not in a way I am familiar with).

What we have is :


   public class NetMatcher
        // stuff

   class InetNetwork
        // stuff

// more stuff


Ok - it compiles but is this really a valid source?


Internal error during kernel instantiation. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Exception: org.apache.avalon.merlin.kernel.KernelException Message: Deployment failure.

Cause: org.apache.avalon.activation.appliance.DeploymentException
Message: Composite deployment failure in block: [block:/james]

Cause: org.apache.avalon.activation.lifecycle.LifecycleException
Message: Unable to create a new component instance in appliance [/james/spool] due to a component deployment failure.

Cause: org.apache.avalon.activation.lifecycle.LifecycleException
Message: Component initiated initialization failure.

Cause: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Message: org/apache/james/util/InetNetwork

---- stack trace --------------------------------------------------
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/james/util/InetNetwork
at org.apache.james.transport.matchers.AbstractNetworkMatcher.init(

at org.apache.mailet.GenericMatcher.init(
at org.apache.james.transport.MatchLoader.getMatcher(
at org.apache.james.transport.JamesSpoolManager.initialize(

at org.apache.avalon.activation.appliance.impl.DefaultAppliance.applyInitialization(

at org.apache.avalon.activation.appliance.impl.DefaultAppliance.newInstance(


at org.apache.avalon.activation.appliance.impl.DefaultAppliance.resolve(

at org.apache.avalon.activation.appliance.impl.DefaultAppliance.resolve(

at org.apache.avalon.activation.appliance.impl.DefaultAppliance.deploy(

at org.apache.avalon.activation.appliance.impl.DefaultBlock.deploy(



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