
Two things...
1. You only attached the RemoteDelivery patch, not the DSNBounce mailet.
2. The change to remote delivery... other people have requested handling how bounces work, so I might suggest we make this more generic. Basically the code would stay the same, just remove the DSN-specific naming, e.g., configure a <bounceProcessor> and store the exception as the delivery-error.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >>> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501

Andreas Göggerle wrote:

finaly I got time to get things ready.

This Patch to RemoteDelivery introduces a new parameter <dsnProcessor>.
Here you can specify a processor, where DSN conform Bounces are created.
If this parameter is missing, mails get bounced the "old way".

Here is a configuration example:

<processor name="transport">
   <mailet match="All" class="RemoteDelivery">
      <!-- Processor for DSN creation -->

<processor name="dsn">
   <mailet match="All" class="DSNBounce">
      <!-- sender defaults to postmaster -->
      <sender> [EMAIL PROTECTED] </sender>
        <!-- Subject Prefix (default=Re:) -->
      <prefix> ERROR: </prefix>
      <passThrough> false </passThrough>

The DSNBounce Mailet creates Bounce Mails in the format specified by RFCs
to 3464. There is only one discrepancy: the MIME-type "text/plain" is used
the status-report part, instead of "message/delivery-status".
JavaMail doesn't support "message/delivery-status".

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