
Thanks for the update.  :-)

> Yes, we did get the DSNBounce mailet from Andreas

Great.  I had looked in my archives, but I couldn't find it.

> i) It does not compile under 1.3 because:
>     a) Uses Java's regular expressions (have fixed that)
>     b) Uses InetAddress.getCanonicalHostName (I am still
>        deciding on how this is best handled, either close
>        your eyes and use getHostName, or extend and use
>        our DNSServer).

For now, I would use:


and we'll address it further later.  So that takes care of JDK 1.3 issues.

> ii) It uses text/plain instead of message/delivery-status as
>     Content-type for the dsn message. This should be easy to
>     resolve, given Steve Brewin's code.

Cool.  Then let's do it.  :-)

        --- Noel

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