Serge Knystautas wrote:
> I mean the whole Sieve codebase (that is independent of the
> server) be a
> separate CVS repository.  I agree we should keep the tests with the
> source code.

Sorry for thinking otherwise! A separate home for Sieve seems logical as its
developement and release cycle will be independent of James. I'm not fussed
how its done. I assume that there are Apache standards for this?

> I'll need to go through sieve again since you're implementing this
> (i.e., it may become a reality).  I like the idea of sieve as a
> processor, but could see the per-user processing be within a
> single mailet.

When they are ready, I will publish the JavaDoc for Sieve's (provisional)
interfaces. Then we can bounce around options for the best way(s) to plug
into James and adapt the interfaces as required.

-- Steve

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