> Either way, it would be a help to be able to query the delimiter(s) in use.
> This would allow services that use folders, such as future Mailets and
> jSieve to construct valid folder paths. Also, it would be good to have two
> distinct exceptions. One for a malformed folder path, eg:
> MalformedPathException, and one for non-existent folders, eg:
> PathNotFoundException. This would enable a service to react differently to
> the two distinct conditions.

I'm not yet fully familiar with mail stores, but I think "/" should be
used as the delimiter and nothing else.

This would make it possible for current mail stores to support
subfolders without modifications, using their destinationURL
configuration parameter.

i.e.: for a JDBC subfolder of user's inbox, the destinationURL would be:

As you can see, The "username" folder is the user's INBOX. Any
additional folders are thus subfolders of INBOX. I don't think this is a
major issue. I know Cyrus and Courier-imap both work this way, may be
others too.

Even if "/" is used as the delimiter, the "." character should not be
permitted in subfolder names. This is required if we want Maildir store
support, on which I am currently working on.

Dots in Maildirs are used for subfolders. Subfolders of inbox in a
maildir are stored like this:

Filesystem                      IMAP namespace
Maildir/                        /INBOX
Maildir/.folder1/               /INBOX/folder1
Maildir/.folder1.folder2/       /INBOX/folder1/folder2

Cedric Veilleux

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