> My concern on this is that InetAddress caches successfull DNS
> lookups forever (at least on default) and this strategy is not
> very sound for a mailserver

Good point, Søren.  And that happens in InetAddress, but through
contamination with sun.* classes.  It isn't pluggable.  The is a comment in
the code that suggests that the author realizes it is a problem.  Even
replacing the default DNS provider with dnsjava (using
sun.net.spi.nameservice.provider), would not help.

However, since the use of InetAddress within DNSServer is opaque, we could
trivially switch to using org.xbill.DNS.Address, which is a InetAddress
clone that uses dnsjava.  How does that sound?

I haven't checked the rest of the code, but InSpammerBlacklist also has this
problem.  That should probably be changed to use dnsjava, and perhaps JNDI
in the future (portable, but more overhead).  That would also allow us to
get the TXT record, which some DNS RBLs use to provide useful information,

  attrs = dnsContext.getAttributes(rblString, new String[] {"A", "TXT"});

in JNDI-speak.

        --- Noel

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