On Friday 09 April 2004 17:12, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > My concern on this is that InetAddress caches successfull DNS
> > lookups forever (at least on default) and this strategy is not
> > very sound for a mailserver
> Good point, Søren.  And that happens in InetAddress, but through
> contamination with sun.* classes.  It isn't pluggable.  The is a comment in
> the code that suggests that the author realizes it is a problem.  Even
> replacing the default DNS provider with dnsjava (using
> sun.net.spi.nameservice.provider), would not help.
> However, since the use of InetAddress within DNSServer is opaque, we could
> trivially switch to using org.xbill.DNS.Address, which is a InetAddress
> clone that uses dnsjava.  How does that sound?

I haven't looked at the org.xbill.DNS.Address but it sounds like a good 

> I haven't checked the rest of the code, but InSpammerBlacklist also has
> this problem.  That should probably be changed to use dnsjava, and perhaps
> JNDI in the future (portable, but more overhead).  That would also allow us
> to get the TXT record, which some DNS RBLs use to provide useful
> information, e.g.,
>   attrs = dnsContext.getAttributes(rblString, new String[] {"A", "TXT"});
> in JNDI-speak.

Yes, Noel I was aware that other places of the code might malfunction because 
of this, and I have put it on my todo-list to go through the code and 
weed-out InetAddress, just haven't gotten around to it yet.

-- Søren

Søren Hilmer, M.Sc.
R&D manager             Phone:  +45 70 27 64 00
TietoEnator IT+ A/S     Fax:    +45 70 27 64 40
Ved Lunden 12           Direct: +45 87 46 64 57
DK-8230 Åbyhøj          Email:  soren.hilmer <at> tietoenator.com

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