
I am about to commit a patch to CVS.  Would you please check it?

 And it appears to me that there is a bug in your code.

> The attached patch goes a little further than just fixing the bug.
> I don't think it is wise to kill a connection after a minute
> execution time. Judge for yourself.

Well, as I read it, your code doesn't do what you think it does.  You wrote:

  if((entry.getStatus() == PoolConnEntry.ACTIVE) &&
          (age > ACTIVE_CONN_TIME_LIMIT)) {
      StringBuffer logBuffer =
          new StringBuffer(128)
          .append(" ***** connection ")
          .append(" is way too old: ")
          .append(" > ")
      // This connection is way too old...
      // but don't kill a running connection:
      // finalizeEntry(entry);
  if((entry.getStatus() == PoolConnEntry.ACTIVE) &&
          (age > ACTIVE_CONN_TIME_LIMIT)) {
      StringBuffer logBuffer =
          new StringBuffer(128)
          .append(" ***** connection ")
          .append(" is long way too old: ")
          .append(" > ")
      // This connection is way too old...
      // have to kill a running connection:

Apparently, you want to log when a connection is older than
ACTIVE_CONN_TIME_LIMIT and kill it when it is older than
ACTIVE_CONN_HARD_TIME_LIMIT.  But the second if statement is (a) never hit
because of the continue, and (b) is identical to the first.  So as I read
it, the code never releases a stuck and ACTIVE connection.  There are
several possible fixes.  I applied one, and set the hard limit to 5* the
point at which we start warning.  Do you have any reason to believe that
there are legitimate reasons for a JDBC connection to be active for several
minutes, much less an hour?

FWIW, the reaper runs every 5 seconds, which means 12 log entries per minute
for stuck connections.

        --- Noel

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