Adam Fowler wrote:

> I've been tinkering with the IMAP2 stuff with a view to implementing the
> Maildir (Qmail stylee) method of mail storage. The main issue I had is
> (apart from time) splitting off the store type from IMAP2. It's the
> heirarchical type of Maildir with folders that will be an issue as far as
> can see.

> I'll post the mods I've done onto my website with an explanatory document
> anyone else wants to see it. I'm afraid I'll just be too busy.

Time is always an issue for people.  :-)  Thanks for what help you have,
can, and will provide.  :-)  Jason Webb has a pretty good handle on this
area, and I'm sure he'll be appreciative of what you've done.

        --- Noel

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