Two things you need to suceed with mailets,
First is a sound knowedge of email.
Sounds daft but you will get on much better if you have a sound knowledge
of the construction of messages, what the headers are and what they mean,
when they are created during the life of a message, how content is
transmitted, what the restrictions are, how MIME messages are formatted and
what all the main MIME types are (or how to find the definitive list). You
also ought to understand the difference between the SMTP "envelope"
information used to route a message and the email headers, which are
(perversely) normally ignored for routing.

The second thing is how to write mailets.
This will be very much easier if you know enough about how mail works to
understand the code in james own mailets, and how james achieves standard
Message changes (as opposed to routing/delivery) are done through the java
mail API which is way more complex and perverse than the Mailet API. So
take your understanding of MIME and learn how to use
"javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage" to create and alter messages.

You might also find Claude Duguay's article useful:


> I am going to be working on a project to create mailets to be used with
James.  My first mailet will be to strip attachments from emails with
destination addresses that match certain criteria. - any suggestions on
where to look for some good tutorials, introduction, etc??

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