I forgot to mention: It doesn't check for abuse@, only postmaster@ and the email address used in the error message is hard coded.

Hontvari Jozsef wrote:

Maybe it helps, I have attached the source which we use for about a year. I cannot create a standard patch because my last workspace is based on the now non-existent cvs repository.

The code must be inserted before these lines into the SMTPHandler.java file:
           if (authRequired) {
               // Make sure the mail is being sent locally if not
               // authenticated else reject.

Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Do to the incredibly high volume generated by Microsoft Windows spambots, I
feel that we need to allow somewhat more aggressive measures in the near
term, as in *NOW*.

I propose an interm measure to add support for a DNSRBL in the SMTP handler,
which will set a flag such that RCPT TO will fail except for postmaster
(RFC2821) and abuse (RFC2142). Once a single message to has been accepted
for that connection, we might even terminate the connection.

This would not be a permanent measure, and would be replaced when we add
more flexible fast-fail, but it would provide relief today from the


    --- Noel

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           // black list check HJ
// don't check if the user is authenticated or if he is sending to // postmaster if (getUser() == null && !recipientAddress.getUser() .equalsIgnoreCase("postmaster")) { String host = remoteIP;
               //Have to reverse the octets first
               StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
               StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(host, " .", false);
               while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                   sb.insert(0, st.nextToken() + ".");
               String reversedOctets = sb.toString();
String blackListMessage = null;
               try {
                   //Try to look it up
                           reversedOctets + "combined.njabl.org");

                   //If we got here, that's bad... it means the host
                   //  was found in the blacklist
                   //blackListMessage = "Dynamic/Residential IP range listed by 
NJABL dynablock - http://njabl.org/dynablock.html";;
                   blackListMessage = "combined.njabl.org BLACKLIST";
               } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
                   //This is good... it's not on the list
               if (blackListMessage != null) {
                   responseString = "550 Rejected: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for 
                   getLogger().error("Message rejected - " + blackListMessage);
               try {
                   //Try to look it up
                           reversedOctets + "sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org");

                   //If we got here, that's bad... it means the host
                   //  was found in the blacklist
                   blackListMessage = "Spamhaus BLACKLIST";
               } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
                   //This is good... it's not on the list
               if (blackListMessage != null) {
                   responseString = "550 Rejected: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for 
                   getLogger().error("Message rejected - " + blackListMessage);


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