On Tuesday 06 September 2005 15:12, Stefano Bagnara wrote:
> > I am having trouble with the JamesSpoolManager in the trunk.
> > I experience mails hanging in the spool, it looks like the
> > offending piece of code is the return statement in line 418.
> > The reason I suspect that line is that I cannot reproduce the
> > effect if I remove the line.
> If you remove the return you change the current behaviour.

Yes, I realize that. I just remembered (like Noel) that I had seen a patch a 
while back which included this exact return, commented out.

> Currently each spool thread get a message from the spool, run it in the
> processor associated with the current spool and returns.
> If you remove the return then a single thread will bring the mail to GHOST
> in a single processing. At the end of each processor the LinearProcessor
> will store each mail in the spool (currently there are no drowbacks in
> storing the same message multiple time without accepting them again, but I
> did not changed it because I'm not sure it is a good thing)
> IMHO the problem is in the spool.unlock implementation for the file
> repository.

Yes, you are probably right.

> Stefano
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