Whoa, guys.  I didn't say that there were bugs in Derby.  I always look for
any memory leaks, and was more concerned about finding them (and other bugs)
in *our* code.  :-)

I did a test that pushed over 32K incoming messages (total messages would be
over 64k, due to SMTP relay and POP3) through JAMES with Derby and heapdump
enabled, and am not seeing any memory leak.  I have tar'd up the heapdump
(multiple snapshots during the run), SAR-INF/ and logs/ for review.  It is
available as memleak-test.tar.gz from people.apache.org/~noel.  I'll delete
it within the next week or so.

As an aside to Danny: I'd like to encourage you to follow up your comment
"I'm not going into the whole world of memory tuning here (that would be a
half-day tutorial I could give!)" with a response to the next ApacheCon CFP.

We can post the next drop as a beta.  That's fine.

I'd already made Derby the default repository, to get it tested.  Hopefully
those of you who use Bayesian will consider testing against Derby for that,
too, even if you change to your current database for mail repositories.

        --- Noel

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