I'm working with Norman to find a solution for JAMES-466.

Unfortunately few people (just Norman and me, probably) is testing the current trunk so it takes a lot to collect bugreports and to try to find the real problems and possible workarounds.

Yesterday we finally found a "revert" patch that remove JAMES-466 exception and it seemed to work, so we currently have an option to remove the 3 show stoppers issue: for all of the 3 bugs the "fast" solution is to disable totally or partially the new code.

I would not like to release 2.3.0 final with that 3 issues solved with "workarounds" bit I think that a 2.3.0a2 would really help if people will test it and try to work more on that issues before 2.3.0a3.

On the other side I would also like if we focus on taking decisions about the creation of the spf subproject and the svn rights for Alan and Norman ;-)


Noel J. Bergman wrote:

As much as I would like to see changes in the current FF code, I really urge
that we focus on making the current trunk stable and releasable, and then
add improved functionality after the release.  If we keep adding rather than
consolidating, we'll never get a release done.

        --- Noel

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