Danny Angus ha scritto:
>> I prefer to
>> not require a full J2EE stack for running it. If we build upon JCR and
>> JMS we already provide lots of options for deployment. Btw it seems you
>> switch deployment options too fast ;-) .. yesterday (some months ago)
>> everyone was for OSGi... I don't read OSGi in this mail...
> I don't think we should *require* J2EE, but the point I made to Noel
> is that there are benefits in some circumstances, of making an MDB
> deployment of the spoolmanager an attractive *option*.
> OSGi is still a possibility. The thing we should be focussed on is
> changing James so that it could be deployed as easily in any of many
> different environments, and pick *one* for our core distribution.
> d.

+1 Rephrased this way I agree ;-) [ Noel has a special ability to make
things looks bad to me :-P ]


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