On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 11:17 PM, Hontvari Jozsef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Moreover James is a mature product, nobody is forced to upgrade.
> I am using the same custom version for about 3 years if not more.
>  If there are enough features or a few months elapsed, release a beta
> version from the trunk. The beta can be put into a new branch if a serious
> bug is found. Leave it in beta for a few months, and if nobody reports
> serious bugs declare it stable. The version number should reflect the actual
> backward compatibility of the beta, there is no need to plan it in advance.

one of the problems now is that *everyone* runs their own custom
version of JAMES. there are quite a number of new features in trunk
but IMO it's going to be easier to delivery them as pluggable
components rather than a big-bang.

for example, there is really no reason why IMAP couldn't be added to
2.4.x provided that it was a plugin and that users were asked to
accept that the handling might not be absolutely compliant (there are
some subtle differences in the socket transport code).

same goes for the mailets: there are quite a lot of cool new features
which could be delivered just as library upgrades rather than full
blow server releases.

- robert

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