On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Stefano Bagnara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert Burrell Donkin ha scritto:


> PS: "dispirited" and "disappointed" and "this is a complete mess" seems a
> bit out of contest in a collaborative environment.

i am disappointed that mime4j cannot be build and that the last good
build is over 10 days ago

i'm dispirited because i finally have a day off to catch up on JAMES
stuff and (yet again) i find that i can't work on IMAP because MIme4J
can't be built

> Everyone is working to fix bugs here, and you may notice most bugs have not
> been introduced by the one that reported them or are investigating on fixing
> them.  If we like to use this words it is disappointing that we have so many
> regression since 0.3, but I never used this word because I'm used to work in
> similar projects and I know this simply happens.

some undocumented and untested behaviour has regressed but this does
not justify breaking the test suite

- robert

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