Robert Burrell Donkin ha scritto:
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Stefano Bagnara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Robert Burrell Donkin ha scritto:


PS: "dispirited" and "disappointed" and "this is a complete mess" seems a
bit out of contest in a collaborative environment.

i am disappointed that mime4j cannot be build and that the last good
build is over 10 days ago

I'm disappointed too for this. Who should we blame?

i'm dispirited because i finally have a day off to catch up on JAMES
stuff and (yet again) i find that i can't work on IMAP because MIme4J
can't be built

Just build it anyway. You can ignore failures because they should not be *new* bugs, but older bugs that simply have a proving test now.

Everyone is working to fix bugs here, and you may notice most bugs have not
been introduced by the one that reported them or are investigating on fixing
them.  If we like to use this words it is disappointing that we have so many
regression since 0.3, but I never used this word because I'm used to work in
similar projects and I know this simply happens.

some undocumented and untested behaviour has regressed but this does
not justify breaking the test suite

breaking the test suite??? We added new tests to prove the existence of bugs.

Unfortunately we removed many messages from the test suite so we had a less complete test suite in the current implementation. This led to regression, and this simply happens (I'm not telling that it's your fault).

An issue was about boundary handling and the regression was against what the RFC document (so it was documented), but again, it is not important to understand who is the author of the mistake: if someone do things is for sure more probable that he also does mistakes. Who does nothing does not mistake too.

The 3 test failing in MessageWriteToTest are simply failing because their expected result is probably bad from an RFC compliance point of view.

If you think it is bad to have this failure then a fix for this is really easy: remove the 4 msg files about boundaries and remove the 3 MessageWriteToTest failing tests. IMHO this would be bad because it simply means hiding existing bugs, but I'm happy with any solution make you less disappointed and more happy in the collaboration.

Of course I can do this change myself: you just have to ask.


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