2011/7/30 Norman Maurer <norman.mau...@googlemail.com>:
> I just fixed the perms...

Thank you!
I just ran mvn site-deploy for project, mime4j and jdkim and they
worked without errors (and they correclty set permissions at the end
of deploy)!


> Bye,
> Norman
> 2011/7/30 Stefano Bagnara <apa...@bago.org>:
>> 2011/7/30 Eric Charles <e...@apache.org>:
>>> On 30/07/11 00:42, Stefano Bagnara wrote:
>>>> I guess it's an year or more I don't deploy james websites and I found
>>>> I don't know the updated way to do that.
>>>> I see the svn folder james/sites/trunk/www is outdated so I guess we
>>>> don't use it anymore (what about removing it?).
>>> It is not used for now, but the goal is to recommit updated sites there, and
>>> ask Apache Infra to SvnPubSub so we don't have to svn up and wait the sync
>>> for now.
>> It's clear that we don't update that svn folder anymore. Infra doesn't
>> require anymore us to have the website in svn.
>> "mvn site-deploy" is much faster/easier than publishing to a local
>> folder and committing: expecially when you have to work with
>> multimodules sites (the staged site is not ok, and you have to
>> manually copy each module/target/site folder over the right svn
>> working copy in order to commit the stuff).
>> So unless anyone have a better workflow I propose to remove the svn
>> folder and simply use site-deploy.
>>>> How am I supposed to update the web site?
>>>> I tried site:deploy for the project, but it doesn't deploy the full site
>>>> "mvn -Psite-reports site" creates the reports, but overwrite the index
>>>> from the previous command.
>>>> What are the right steps to deploy updated site and reports?
>>> We talked about the reports some time ago and decided to have two separate
>>> sites: the end user site and the site with reports.
>> I can't see the whole picture: where is deployed the end user site?
>> where is deployed the site with reports?
>>> The goal was not to have the public site with some reports, even if it's
>>> true that previous mime4j site had such reports.
>> So "the goal" is to remove reports from james.apache.org for all of
>> our product?? I don't like this goal.
>> I searched the archives and I don't find too much discussion/agreement
>> on something similar to this: I found some ideas, some plan, but
>> nothing like "ok, let's do this way, if anyone is against this speak
>> now" Have you any link for me to read?
>> I just reintroduced the reports for jDKIM as I think xrefs, coverage,
>> svn instructions and the other reports are really useful to the
>> developers coming to our site (I use them too). mvn site-deploy worked
>> fine for jDKIM.
>>> I think you could copy some definitions from the site-reports profile to get
>>> this reports in the public web site.
>> I think I found my way changing the main pom for jDKIM by removing
>> "inheritance" of the "generate reports variable" from the parent pom.
>>>> Also, I see the html generated from apt sources for mime4j don't
>>>> produce anymore valid html (bad links): is this something related to
>>>> newer maven site plugins? Do you know anything about this before I
>>>> start digging it?
>>> For server, I remember I migrated the few apt to some xml (just to have a
>>> uniform format).
>>> I suppose the issue come from the new maven 3 site plugins.
>>> No idea how to solve it. Eventually, you can migrate the apt to the xml.
>> I found some updated docs for apt.
>> Links to anchors are now {{{anchor}text}} and not {{{#anchor}text}}
>> Links to relative urls are now {{{./relative}text}} and not 
>> {{{relative}text}}.
>> The generated usage.html is good now (the sematic content was already
>> up-to-date with 0.7).
>> Unfortunately mvn site-deploy for mime4j just failed because many
>> files inside the mime4j folder on people.apache.org are 644 instead of
>> 664 so I get permission denied.
>> Many of them are "eric.apache" so I guess you (Eric) can fix them. (I
>> use a script I created some years ago to make sure permissions in www
>> for files owned by me are correct):
>> ------
>> #!/bin/sh
>> find /www/james.apache.org ! -perm 775 -type d -user ${USER} -exec
>> chmod 775 {} \;
>> find /www/james.apache.org ! -perm 664 -type f -user ${USER} -exec
>> chmod 664 {} \;
>> find /www/james.apache.org -name \*\.cgi -type f -exec chmod 775 {} \;
>> -----
>> The same happens with main project deployment. I've been able to
>> deploy some of the files by moving the "bad permissioned" files to an
>> "old" folder, but I can't do this for some of the bad permissioned
>> folders, like "js" and others (please remove "old" folder while you
>> fix the permissions, and maybe also remove ".tmp", "tmp").
>> Maybe we should also remove all of the .svn folders from there (as svn
>> is not updated anymore): they contains files with wrong permissions
>> owned by many apache devs (eric, norman, rdonking).
>> Stefano
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