
james-project:1.9-SNAPSHOT should be 1.8.1 or 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT (1.9-SNAPSHOT are rest that need cleanup).

All James projects have their own lifecycle, but also communicate with each other. For example, bidirectional dependencies, strategy for assemble maven module... are something we talk about.

Ideas and fixes welcome!

On 21/02/12 15:31, Stefano Bagnara wrote:
2012/2/21 Jochen Gazda<gazdahims...@gmail.com>:
(1) [....]
But as for parent references I am asking myself what can be the reason
for distinct versions in the parent's project.version and its child's
project.parent.version? Here is an example from the current trunk:
apache-jsieve has version 0.6-SNAPSHOT in its pom, but 0.5-SNAPSHOT is
referenced in apache-jsieve-assemble's pom as its parent. Both m2e and
mvn install complain about that. When I replace 0.5-SNAPSHOT in
apache-jsieve-assemble's pom with 0.6-SNAPSHOT it works. Is it a bug?

IMO ti does not make sense and it is a bug. I guess the issue is
related to the use of "parent module in a subfolder" pattern, that is
much more difficult to deal with.

apache-james-mailbox referencing james-project 1.8.1-SNAPSHOT as its
parent is another example. Why does it not reference james-project

Maybe simply because the last time we worked on mailbox we only had
1.8.1-SNAPSHOT and the parent moved forward in the mean time.
This is not a big issue, but you can move mailvox to 1.8.1 final or to
1.8.2-SNAPSHOT if it helps.

Generally, which are there situations in which parent reference
version lower than parent trunk version make sense?

It simply happens because we don't start upgrading every project pom
when we move the parent forward but we only upgrade them when we need
a release.
Otherwise we should always try to build with the latest available
released parent (not even a snapshot).

(2) In (1) I spoke about the case when referenced version is lover
than the trunk version. Here I am asking about the opposite:
hupa-parent references james-project 1.9-SNAPSHOT as its parent but
the version of james-project in the trunk is 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT. This
cannot be OK, can it?

Well, when you work with snapshot everything can be right or wrong.
If you release 1.8 then you automatically create 1.9-SNAPSHOT.. after
a while you decide to release 1.9-SNAPSHOT as 1.8.1 and this will move
you to 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT.
As they are snapshots it is not so bad.

hupa-parent should be fixed to reference james-project 1.8.2-SNAPSHOT
as its parent, should it not?

BTW, it would be better to point to 1.8.1 because it probably doesn't
need anymore to point to a snapshot for the parent.

(3) Generally, is the following sequence always expected to work and
if it does not, is it a reason to file a bug in Jira?

rm -Rf $HOME/.m2/repository
cd james/current
svn update
mvn clean install -DskipTests

I often found problematic to run a single pass "mvn clean install" but
runinng the mvn clean package&&  mvn install for each project (in the
right order, so to not depend on only snapshot repositories) is
expected to work and if it doesn't work we should probably fix


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