Hi Mihai,

Lucene4-Alpha is on its way to be released and it would be great that you develop on the snapshots (waiting on the official release).

There are some changes in the API, so better to no refactor after, and to benefit from goodies such as AppendingCodec and other features you can read on Mike's blog (http://blog.mikemccandless.com/)

You can define the lucene4 maven snapshots adding the following repository in your pom:

         <name>Lucene/Solr Jenkins trunk</name>


you will need lucene-core, lucene-analyzers-common, lucene-queryparser, lucene-misc,...


On 06/26/2012 07:53 PM, Mihai Soloi wrote:
Hi Eric,

There is a test written you can run it to replicate the exception with:

mvn test -Dtest=org.apache.james.mailbox.lucene.hbase.IndexingTest

I've ran it with the debug, and watched what happens to all of the
bytes. Now I got an answer from mr. Mike McCandles and Robert Muir
suggesting that I go look in AppendingCodec, but I am not using Lucene
version 4, but version 3.6, the stable one; the bytes are being
overwritten properly as well as the seek back is done as it should be. I
am now looking at Lucene 4 to see how they implemented the Codecs

On 26.06.2012 12:14, Eric Charles wrote:
Hi Mihai,

Thx to ping us.

I guess you are refering to:

Maybe you could write (if it's not done) a unit test that proves the
exception, and post it as additional information on the lucene mailing

Hopefully, someone will clone your repo, run the test (mvn test
-Dtest=you.test.class) and answer your mail.

Thx, Eric

On 06/25/2012 09:32 PM, Mihai Soloi wrote:
Hi Eric,

I've commit on the second link, i am having some problems with Lucene
IndexReader checksum, I've emailed the dev list at Lucene. I am hoping
for a kind person's help :). It's a nice feeling being part of a

All the best,

On 25.06.2012 21:30, Eric Charles wrote:
Hi Echo and Mihai,

I hope you are having fun with your GSoC and I'm sure you mentor is
helping you as it must.

As a few people on the mailing list, I would love to have a deeper
look into your commits [1] and [2].

So, don't be shy and shot you questions, issues, choices... here so we
can share and brainstorm around. The more you ask/communicate, the
more benefit you will get :) Also don't hesitate to commit uncompleted
code, we all know this is a work in progress. All you risk is some
good idea from reviewers.

Thx again, Eric

[1] http://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/p/hupa-evo/source/list

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