
That's good news.  I'm going to be your first tester.  Is there a test site that has all of the latest changes to the doc in html format with all the latest images?

A few things I've hit so far:

-- "In the pop-up window, press the*+*button to add the James code repository in the next pop-up." -- There is no "+" in the git repository selection popup.  Looks like a holdover from the subversion instructions.

-- The image: intellij-idea/intellij-james-project.png doesn't appear to be part of the changed file list.  I looked at the old version on the web site.  I see a few similarities.  But my workspace doesn't really look much like that image.  The project tree is significantly different in the image than what shows up today.

-- As soon as IDEA imported the project, I got 4 errors that all say "Cannot resolve plugin org.apache.james:mailetdocs-maven-plugin:3.5.0-SNAPSHOT".  Is that something that should have come down from git, or is it something I need to install additionally?

-- "To build the project, you must open the*Maven Projects*panel. Then double click on the install goal to run this goal.' There is a maven section in the upper right of my workspace.  I assume that is the maven "projects" panel.  But I can't find an 'install' goal anywhere to click.

-- "Note that tests can be long and can be skept by toggling/skip test"  -- /spelling error: "skept" should be "skipped".  Also I finally found the 'skip test' button.  But might want to say it's on the control bar on the maven panel.

-- "That's it. Run or Debug James in Eclipse (right-click on the Main class) and Have Fun!." -- "Eclipse" should be IntelliJ.   But more importantly, finding the "Main" class is quite a task.  It's buried pretty deep in one of a hundred sub-projects on the left.  Really need some navigation/path info for how to find the Main class.

Tellier, sorry to bring all of these things up. But at this point I'm a complete rookie at IntelliJ, and at least for now, that makes me a good person to test the instructions.



On 10/31/2019 9:32 PM, Tellier Benoit wrote:
Hi Jerry,

I'm working on a refresh of build instructions for contributors [1].

IntelliJ (community version) is working great.




On 01/11/2019 03:50, Jerry Malcolm wrote:
What is the recommended development environment (IDE) for JAMES
development?  I am an Eclipse user.  I finally got JAMES to build in
Eclipse.  But I can't get it to run there.  So I've been relegated to
adding log statements, build, publish, look at logs, repeat.   As I am
getting deeper and deeper into understanding James and debugging issues
that I find, I'm looking to do more contributing to JAMES.  But I'm
REALLY missing breakpoints and interactive debug.

I'm not married to eclipse.  If there's a different IDE that everyone
uses, I can download it and move my development to it. But I don't want
to spend time moving to another unproven environment.  I think someone
mentioned IntelliJ.  I've never used it.  But I'm willing to learn.   So
I just needs a go or no-go on IntelliJ or something else from someone
that's using it.  And, if the answer is IntelliJ, can I use the free
community edition, or do I need to get the Ultimate edition?

So... what IDE is everybody using for development?



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