
I'm not really skilled in Scala.
But I don't think that it's a mistake to go ahead for such a language, I
will not enumerate the advantages of Scala Vs Java.
One point is that James can attract another population of developers.

In order to don't lose none-Scala developers, I think it will be great to
have a document summarizing the Scala patterns used in James.


Le mar. 9 juin 2020 à 14:46, Matthieu Baechler <matth...@apache.org> a
écrit :

> Hi Eugen,
> On Tue, 2020-06-09 at 00:52 +0300, Eugen Stan wrote:
> > I'm also against adding more complexity in James.
> I guess we all are.
> > My arguments against adding scala to James are:
> >
> > - It adds another language that is more complex that Java - operator
> > overloading, much more dense language (easier to write, harder to
> > read).
> My experience with Scala is the opposite: you can write code that
> express the problem you are solving instead of a lot of boiler plate
> that divert the reader from the intent.
> I'm not saying Scala is perfect but I would not say it's more complex
> than Java (no checked exception, support for immutable datastructure,
> easy separation of infrastructure and data, no primitive mess, easy
> data type definition, etc).
> > - Extra build and runtime dependencies. Scala is another compiler
> > step
> > and if I remember quite slow (might have changed).
> It's definitely slower than Java.
> > It also requires adds
> > the library to the applications.
> That's also true
> > More bytes to push, more surface area
> > to atack. Ideally we should have NO outside dependencies in James
> > core.
> > Hard but doable - Lucene does it.
> Depending on what is the 'core', I may agree. However scala stdlib is
> like the jdk: do you see the jdk as a too-big dependency? We have to
> balance number of dependencies with not re-implementing everything
> (with more bugs) from scratch.
> >
> >
> > I do believe we should make James easy to consume from other
> > languages
> > but I don't believe we should add more things to James. We should
> > strip
> > them off, starting with dependencies.
> Depending on what you define as being James, the goal is opposite as
> what is done currently. James intent is to store things in RDBMS or
> distributed datastores, we can't do that without dependencies.
> From what I understand you would at least want a central part of James
> to keep dependencies to the minimum. The ADR we wrote is about writing
> components and extensions in Scala. So I don't think it opposes this
> vision as component are swap-able, having one in Scala should not be a
> problem. What do you think?
> >
> > Right now I'm trying to "mvn compile" master and I can't.  mvn clean
> > package also fails after running for 30-45 minutes on a Ryzen 7.  I
> > feel
> > that does not work.
> Ok, there are two problems here:
> 1. we have a lot of tests and they are run by default
> 2. the build process is not as reliable as it should
> > The project has 408244 lines of Java  and takes longer to compile
> > than
> > the linux kernel [1]. I believe we are doing something wrong here.
> I can build James in less than 3 minutes and my computer is slower than
> yours. Most of the time is spent in Maven and not in actual code
> compilation.
> Here you compare the time our testsuite takes to run to compile C code
> to a binary: it's not a fair comparison.
> > As a developer I should be able to work on James and build it
> > locally,
> > otherwise things are not going to move forward.
> Agree.
> > Every new tool and external dependency adds complexity.
> Not exactly: when using a tool that prevent us from writing a lot of
> code, it actually removes complexity. All technologies are not
> equivalent: some are better in some cases and help keeping code simple,
> etc.
> I would give a single example here: do you think splitting strings for
> doing protocol parsing is less complex than using a typesafe PEG parser
> library? In the later case: we can stick to ABNF grammar and everything
> is obvious at the cost of learning the tool. In the former case: it
> looks like raw Java so people feel at home but the grammar is lost and
> it's probably very buggy.
> > I believe we should avoid adding more languages to James.
> >
> > I personally prefer Clojure but I will not add Clojure to James core
> > for
> > the same reason. I will build apps on top of James with Clojure for
> > sure.
> >
> As somebody who write code for this project, I'm probably more willing
> to use modern tool. It's very usual: users want things to be stable
> because they don't want to work for keeping their service online.
> Developers want things that make their work easier or funnier.
> It's one reason I asked to the community and I'm glad you answered.
> I didn't changed my mind (yet) but at least I evaluated my opinion
> against others and it's always valuable. Thank you for the time you
> took to write that answer.
> Cheers,
> -- Matthieu Baechler
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