Hey there!

It's been almost a year (!) since we shipped some master code out in a
release (the last release taking me over 3 months!).

As such, I think it would be important, as a project, to make such a
release happen before the next Apache board meeting (mid. April). I
devote myself to perform such a release (let's hope I will be more
efficient this time!).

I would like to propose the following suggestion for this 3.6.0 release:

 - Claim experimental support for JMAP RFC-8621 and RFC-8887 (websocket
 - As such deprecate JMAP Draft as of 3.6.0, to be removed in 3.7.0. (or
later based on community usage) in order to encourage the migration.
 - Deprecate `server/container/guice/cassandra-guice` product.
Rationals: it do not achieve distribution, this James server cannot be
scaled and maintaining a high project cardinality is hard - at least to
me. The more servers, the harder releasing is.

I would also love to see the following work integrated in it:

 - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JAMES-3506 SMTP stach is slow
and generate high GC when under high traffic (because it is such a nice
enhancement counter-weighting drawbacks of JAMES-3477)
 - https://github.com/apache/james-project/pull/303 JAMES-3499 Use a
module chooser for LDAP users repository
<https://github.com/apache/james-project/pull/303> (as it ease
maintainance efforts)

I think (sadly) ElasticSearch V7 migration (and ES V6 backport) will not
be ready on time for this release, unless additional efforts are
committed to this issue.


Best regards,


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