Some notes that will come out in the community news tomorrow - - I'm working hard to make xs-0.4 a more featureful release, I know 0.3 is _boring_ :-)
- I've spent a lot of time exploring the state of distro build tools for Fedora. The livecd approach we use on the XS images is brittle and not suitable for upgrades; we need to move to traditional installer CDs using either pungi or revisor. I now have a sample pungi config file that can build a minimal F9 install, and scripts that turn the CD installer into a USB installer. Unfortunately, anaconda maintainers are threatening to deprecate text-based installations. - After studying Scott's update-server, I've started putting together an "xs-rsync" package to publish content via rsync on the XS, with utilities that allow it to serve XO builds mimicking update-server's behaviour. Unfortunately, update-server is mostly dedicated to the task of serving rsync://, a completely different task, and code reuse opportunities were about nil. For the XS to be useful as an updates server it needs be paired with the local activation server, so that's what I'll be working on next week :-) cheers, m -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect - ask interesting questions - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first - _______________________________________________ Server-devel mailing list