Hi Tarun et al,

The presentation went well and there were applause when I posted some 
pictures and text to blogger.com!

Scott and Michael raised the question of why we didn't build it as a .xo 
only project with no need for server. I explained the constraints of 
time and image in Uruguay and they understood that.

There were less convinced that it should be a web app instead of built 
in to Write but on further discussion I think they understood that the 
dynamic nature of EduBlog (that teachers can change and control where 
the students post to and what they see e.g. "frog blog") makes it hard 
to build in to Write.

Scott raised some future ideas (e.g. a blackboard activity for the 
teachers XO) and we talked about collaboration in a general sense.

Good discussion which may lead to some valuable thinking re: 9.1.0.

In short, it was a great demo! I'll help write up a 1 hour PPT we can 
deliver in late August to wrap up. You can prepare the final report for 
SJ instead if you prefer.

I just hope we have some new posts from kids to show off within the next 
two weeks ...


Greg S

> Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2008 06:49:01 +0100
> From: Tarun Pondicherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Server-devel] Testing EduBlog
> Cc: Pablo Flores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, server-devel@lists.laptop.org,
>       marcel r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi Greg,
>> FYI presentation will be in 1CC at 12:30 - 1:30 US ET Friday so please 
>> don't mess with the server for that hour.
> We won't touch the server until after the demo is all done.  Especially 
> since this abiword stuff affects the whole server and is therefore 
> potentially dangerous.
>> Send over any presentation or demo stuff you have done already (we 
>> will use it eventually) but top priority is doing what Pablo needs to 
>> start the beta.
> If all goes perfectly well, we should be ready by Wednesday, Friday if 
> there are minor glitches.  Sorry for missing the August 1st target, I 
> did not foresee this Write issue in 656.  Marcel made good progress in 
> getting abiword installed and there are now a few dependencies to 
> resolve.  I am mostly trying to perfect the UI with Pablo's suggestions 
> and we can test both areas of work after abiword is installed.
> I like your idea of using the mockup/backup for the demo.  I just tested 
> the version at: 
> http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/mockup/ui/student_sp.php
> and it is working.  In the event something goes wrong with that, the 
> older version at:
> http://olpc.betarun.com/dev/ui/student_sp.php
> is also still up.
> ==
> Also, I'm flying back Friday night and will be offline until Monday.
> ==
> Thanks,
> Tarun
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