Hi Tarun!
Thanks for the great work you are doing!

See comments below.

Pablo Flores

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 11:02 AM, Tarun Pondicherry <

> Hi Pablo,
> I tried to address most of these concerns in the updated version.  Please
> let me know if I got the attempted fixes right.

I'll try to take some time this afternoon to test the system.  What I found
with the previous version is that BrowseNew didn't change its homepage. I
talked with Greg that it would be very simplifying for teachers and children
to make BrowseNew go straight to http://wiki.laptop.org/go/EduBlog, a page I
will get some time to finish with the instructions to start to work. Would
it be possible to change this?

> I'm also thinking about how to configure the language.  Currently, it
> detects if the Browser is es or en and bases its setting on that.  We could
> also change it to force es not matter what.  Which do you think is better?

For us, both possibilities are good if they work well ;-)

> Another concern I have is that if testers login at the same time with the
> same username, it may break things.  Is this something to worry about, or
> will the system be tested by one person at a time?

Well, this may be a real problem working in a real school. The normal
workflow is that the teacher proposes something to work in and blog about
it, then children start to work altogether.... what problems may happen?

> Thanks,
> Tarun
>  On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 5:34 AM, Tarun Pondicherry <
>>    Hi,
>>        *Creating a new blog
>>        *
>>           * The login page isn't in spanish
>>    The UI can be switched to Spanish easily, this will be done in the
>>    next update after we get abiword working.
>> Great!
>>           * I'm not sure how to manage users with EduBlog.... I think we
>>             should start a wiki page to start documenting (and discussing
>>             it). Volunteers? :-)
>>    I'm not sure the best way either.  There are many many options.  I
>>    thought the easiest is to just do a bulk upload of all the
>>    students.  We can also allow students to register themselves or an
>>    admin to enter all of them.  Comments on which would be best would
>>    be really helpful.  Students also should only have to login once.
>> Yes, maybe the best way is making a registration form. Once the child is
>> registered, it shouldn't be asked the user/password everytime, it should
>> stay registered in the laptop.
>> One important feature would be letting children use different registration
>> systems, like OpenId... Having many user/password is very confusing for
>> children and even more for teachers!
>>           * In the "Adding a new OU blog" form, I can't access the
>>        "Manage
>>             Remote Blogs" button, it takes me to a page that says "Sorry,
>>             but you do not currently have permissions to do that
>>             ([[oublog:manageremoteblogs]]) More information about
>>        this error
>>             <http://docs.moodle.org/en/error/moodle/nopermissions>". *
>>    I will look into this, but you need teacher not student login.  If
>>    you are logged in as student, you would have to logout.
>> It doesn't work logged in as teacher.
>>     Do teacher's and students share the same machine?
>> Let's assume that teacher do their managing tasks (creating blogs, etc.)
>> from their own laptops.
>>           * It would be better if some options could be hidden, like
>>        "Common
>>             module settings".
>>    This will be done in the next update.  There is button to show all
>>    the advanced options at the bottom if needed.
>> Ok.
>>        *New blog post*
>>           * From the moodle interface, I couldn't upload any picture. I
>>             could use the other interface
>>                   (
>> http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/moodle/mod/oublog/editpost.php?blog=2
>> ),
>>             but with this one I cannot select the blog to post to. *
>>    For this demo, there was only one blog.  The jump to link at the
>>    top right was to be used to select other blogs.  Perhaps it should
>>    be repositioned?
>> Mmmh... students should select the blog in which they'll be working before
>> starting to write the post... otherwise could lead to a lot of confussion in
>> the class...
>>           * I tried to upload a Write document, but I couldn't from
>>        any of
>>             the interfaces (am I doing right? I tried to upload the
>>        file as
>>             an image).
>>    Not implemented yet, hopefully this will work after we get abiword
>>    on the server.
>> Ok.
>>        I also would like to summarize some points of how the daily
>>        work would be. Let's see...
>>           * First of all, the teacher will have to get a user and
>>        password
>>             for the system.
>>           * The teacher creates a new blog using the interface
>> http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/moodle/course/modedit.php?add=oublog&type=&course=2&section=0&return=0
>>        <
>> http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/moodle/course/modedit.php?add=oublog&type=&course=2&section=0&return=0
>> >
>>                   <
>> http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/moodle/course/modedit.php?add=oublog&type=&course=2&section=0&return=0
>>        <
>> http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/moodle/course/modedit.php?add=oublog&type=&course=2&section=0&return=0
>> >>
>>           * All of her children have to get a user and password.
>>    Yes, and it will be saved on the XO so only needs to be entered
>>    one time.
>> Ok!
>>           * Then, the teacher can propose some work to be done, for
>>        which
>>             children will have to make their posts to the blog. To do so,
>>             children will have to access to the blog page (the moodle
>>        one),
>>             and click on "New blog post".
>>           * As children submit their posts, the teacher will be able
>>        to see
>>             them in the blog page. Children will only see their own posts
>>             and the ones already approved by the teacher. Question:
>>        How can
>>             a child know if his post was approved?
>>    Hm, I did not think of this.  We could automatically post a
>>    comment locally.  What would you suggest?  I'm not sure how
>>    teachers and students communicate on the XO.
>> We discussed this issue time ago with some friends of a graphics design
>> company that was studying how children interfaces should be. The conclusion
>> we arrived to is that the best would be to remark the state of the post
>> graphically on the blog. For instance, keeping in gray the posts that are
>> still not approved. I don't know if it can be implemented easily.
>> Teachers could also use the comments form to give feedback, although the
>> most common way would be the straight talk in the class...
>>           * The approved posts will go public, depending on the
>>             configuration: If there is a remote blog configured (blogspot
>>             for instance), they will appear there. If it's local only, it
>>             will be seen by others, depending on the visibility
>>             configuration of the blog.
>>        All agree with this?
>>    That looks to be all in accordance with what we are trying to
>>    implement.
>> Hahaha, ok!
>> I think the biggest problem we're facing at the moment, to let some
>> teachers test thoughtfully the application is that we should allow them to
>> post entries to their own blog, being able to upload pictures on them...
>> which is not possible at the moment. As soon as we solve this (allowing
>> pictures uploading from the moodle interface?), we will be able to get more
>> feedback from teachers.
>> One question: I'm working on the new home page for the blog,
>> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/EduBlog, isn't there any problem in putting the
>> passwords there for the moment?
>> Regards,
>> Pablo
>>    Thanks a lot for your input.
>>    Tarun
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