Hi Pablo,
> I downloaded the last BrowseNew, which has the new homepage, that is 
> ok. When I go to the "Create new blog" link 
> (http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/moodle/course/modedit.php?add=oublog&type=&course=3&section=0&return=0
> <http://edublog.venango.org/test/EduBlog/moodle/course/modedit.php?add=oublog&type=&course=3&section=0&return=0>),
> it takes me to the moodle login in spanish, so far so good.
> Then if I try to login with the user teacher, it takes me to an error 
> message that says: "This course doesn't exist", and a "Continue" 
> button. When I press it, it goes back to the home page. The same 
> happens if I login with the user teacheres. If then I go again to the 
> "Create new blog" link, I can see the courses page, but it's not 
> possible to create a new course, there is no link or option for this.
I'm afraid I can't reproduce this problem.  Could you please try again 
and take a screen shot of the error page (Alt 1 on the XO)?
> Another problem I found trying to create a new user: I could fill in 
> the registration form, but it never sends me the confirmation email, 
> so I can't finish the process.
You would need to be approved by the admin.  I have done that.  Let me 
know if you have any more difficulty logging in.
> Other strange behaviour in the XO, is that the "logout" option never 
> appears in the top-right of the page.
Greg told me to remove all the "Moodle" options.  They will show up if 
you click "Show" at the bottom left of the page.  Should I show 
login/logout by default?

Also, the interface for "Create New Blog" will now let you enter your 
own connection details to connect to your own Blogger blog.

>     Hi Pablo,
>     The version downloadable from:
>     http://wiki.laptop.org/go/EduBlog_Instructions under the heading
>     "For Those with Build 656" has the new homepage.  Please let me
>     know if it works.
>     About, the lang settings, when you go to any of the pages it
>     should be spanish (assuming your xo is using the spanish
>     localization).  If that does not work, then I will force the
>     setting to spanish and not try to detect the localization.
>     About multiple users, I was thinking that in a real school each
>     teachers and students have their own account.  Then, they can do
>     concurrent things without issues.  My concern is that for the test
>     it looks like we are going to use the same user account for
>     everyone which can cause problems.  If we can create separate user
>     accounts for all the teachers and students testing, that would be
>     ideal.
>     Thanks for taking the time to test this stuff out.
>     Tarun
>         Hi Tarun!
>         Thanks for the great work you are doing!
>         See comments below.
>         Saludos,
>         Pablo Flores
>         On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 11:02 AM, Tarun Pondicherry
>         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>> wrote:
>            Hi Pablo,
>            I tried to address most of these concerns in the updated
>         version.
>             Please let me know if I got the attempted fixes right.
>         I'll try to take some time this afternoon to test the system.
>          What I found with the previous version is that BrowseNew
>         didn't change its homepage. I talked with Greg that it would
>         be very simplifying for teachers and children to make
>         BrowseNew go straight to http://wiki.laptop.org/go/EduBlog, a
>         page I will get some time to finish with the instructions to
>         start to work. Would it be possible to change this?
>            I'm also thinking about how to configure the language.
>          Currently,
>            it detects if the Browser is es or en and bases its setting on
>            that.  We could also change it to force es not matter what.
>          Which
>            do you think is better?
>         For us, both possibilities are good if they work well ;-)
>            Another concern I have is that if testers login at the same
>         time
>            with the same username, it may break things.  Is this
>         something to
>            worry about, or will the system be tested by one person at
>         a time?
>         Well, this may be a real problem working in a real school. The
>         normal workflow is that the teacher proposes something to work
>         in and blog about it, then children start to work
>         altogether.... what problems may happen?
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 12:47 PM, Tarun Pondicherry 

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