Martin Langhoff wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 4:49 AM, Jerry Vonau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Well, I received the AA's. As a quick test I plugged them into my F9 box,
>> after using the olpc ifcfg-files as a template, with very little fiddling I
>> think I have them running under F9. I'll post the diff later.
>> More testing when the xo gets here, or my friend with a laptop.
> Excellent. If you have a normal laptop, you'll need the recent 802.11s
> kernel modules.
>> What does need work is the network_config file, and the idea of running it
>> on boot, you need to pass the server_number to the script right?
>> Can't do that on boot, and by default on F9 and the livecd there is no
>> ifcfg-eth0 file to work with anyway.
> Here are the challenges:
>  - network_config runs on firstboot, and can be re-run later if
> network interfaces are added/removed
Think if the udev rule use different names from the default names, then 
the devices won't flip around. ie msh0=mesh0 eth1=lan using something like:
KERNEL=="eth*", ATTR{address}=="00:52:8b:d5:04:48", NAME="lan"

Then the ifcfg-files could use the new alias names.

>  - network_config sets up
>    - eth0 for the WAN
>    - ethN where N>0 and the interface is wired as LAN ports
>    -  the ethX/mshX pairs as LAN+Mesh ports
>    - and appropriate bridging across the LAN ports, routing/NAT'ting
> between LAN and WAN

This there a reason for the multi-bridges? Could you not just add the 
msh devices to a single bridge and adjust the subnetmask to fit?
Just wondering...

On a side note can I get the output of "brctl show", "ip route", 
"iwconfig" from a running installation, to compare with please.
The debugging web page is a good start, but lacking the bridging info,
you really need to see both the routing and bridging to get a better 

>  - udev scripts so that once an ethX/mshX is set, things work well
> even if the machine boots w/o the AA, or if the AA is plugged _after_
> we've booted
75-persistent-net-generator.rules takes care of the naming, what you 
want is an auto ifup <dev> with the plugging in of the usb <dev>?

>  - possibly other bits that I'm forgetting :-)

I heard rumbling about xo name resolution, how about dhcpd auto-updating 

>> If this xs-conf is meant to be a rpm then would the *_config files not live
>> better in /sbin and the ifcfg-* and *.conf file templates in
>> /usr/share/xs-config?
> Yes. And all that symlink mess get deprecated. I'm working on that too :-)

That will take a bit of time... ;-)


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