On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 6:04 AM, Jerry Vonau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jerry Vonau wrote:
> Well, that is interesting.... if I boot with rhgb enabled, network start
> fails horribly... Disabling rhgb, things work perfect. :-)

Odd. We definitely don't have a use for rhgb...

> Think the above idea of installing an alias of the real devices to use via
> udev, for the ifcfg files should work. If I can set the alias of the devices
> that are in use, then the config files for the network layout could be
> fixed. The names of the ifcfg files become static,
> mesh1 mesh2 mesh3,<mshX ethX> wless1, wless2, wless3,
> wired1 wan1, wan2(?), bridges would remain as is. Feedback?

Less moving parts == more resilient -- I'm 100% for that :-)

> On my test box, installing a second wired nic was automatically given eth3
> after configuring the mesh setup previously. Think all I need to do is parse
> the 70-persistent-net.rules for msh, eth matching on the mac address to use
> for the bases of the alias name.

Sounds good - I'll let you do your magic.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- School Server Architect
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