
Currently I am working with a development lash-up which I hope will 
allow me to get the basic offline moodle capability running (or, at 
least quickly expose the speed bumps).

I envision adding an 'offline' block to the moodle course. This block 
would give a menu of course chunks (e.g. topics), which could be taken 
offline. The student would go to this block, check the topics (chunks) 
needed, and Gears would cache them for offline access. When the student 
has access to the server again, he/she could use the block to go online. 
At that time, the cache would be erased and the work done offline would 
be posted to moodle.

I think the course creator/teacher will need to be involved in defining 
the 'chunks' and in defining the 'manifest': list of pages and other 
resources needed to be cached for those chunks. This manifest (similar 
to the one required for building an xo package) could include external 
(to Moodle) resources as well since the caching includes a 
javascript-php script connection. In fact, I think it may be useful to 
be able to store some resources (e.g. wiki pages, glossaries, ...) more 
persistently than course specific content (lesson pages, quizzes, ...).


Bryan Berry wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 15:10 +1200, Martin Langhoff wrote:
> good to hear we're on the same page.
>> AIUI, the user only has to get to the initial moodle page, and GG
>> should take care of the rest.
> you've reached beyond my geek lingo, what on earth does AIUI mean? :)

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