
first -- thanks for the work you've done on this so far! There is a
GSoC project on the Moodle side that is looking at an initial GG

It'll be interesting to see where it leads to, and I'll be hoping to
co-mentor it (Dongsheng is the main mentor). Students also need a bit
of room, so I don't want to crowd the candidate too much ;-)

If you are keen on playing with it, I have a "plan", based
significantly on what I learned from your code, but with a slightly
different approach. When you're free to play with it we can see where
the GSoC project is at and what we can do.

(My hope is that with my plan we can skip greasemonkey and the extra
work to the teacher setting up a listing of what's downloadable. I am
sure we can make it work like Google Reader does...)

One thing that would be nice is if the Nepal team could take a quick
look at my latest Moodle XS code -- I don't know if you have a test XS
5.x but if you do, and could play with the latest moodle code as seen

If you are using ds-backup, that moodle has automagic authentication
(with Browse.xo) and a nice UI to restore your files. And if you use
the admin account, you can "alias" accounts, which is good when a
laptop is repaired/replaced.


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
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